The Factor Rundown
Unresolved Problems Segment
Americans outraged over the border situation
Guests:Karl Rove "Gallup asked more than 1,000 adults this question: 'What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?' 17% say 'immigration/illegal aliens,' which is up from just 3% in January. Second is dissatisfaction with government, and third is the economy. So the porous border and foreign children suffering because of it is the most important issue the nation is facing. The main culprit for the latest humanitarian disaster is President Obama and it is up to him to fix the problem. The DEA has an intelligence arm which recently interviewed 230 illegal aliens who were detained on the border. 219 of them say the primary reason people from Central America are coming here illegally is that they believe they can stay. The myth that the far left is putting out, that Central American countries are actively harming their populations, is destroyed by that survey. The border chaos is directly affecting all parts of the USA; some governors are condemning the Obama administration for not informing them before they move illegal aliens into their states. That's atrocious! Talking Points has pinpointed the problem - there is very little leadership coming out of the White House or Congress on almost every issue. Because of that, America is drifting into very dangerous territory. A war may break out in the Middle East, terrorism is on the rise, and illegal aliens continue to flood into the country without consequence. Americans have to make their disenchantment loud and clear by directly contacting Senators and Representatives and by voting in November. Let's throw the bums out!"
The Factor welcomed Republican fund-raiser Karl Rove, who theorized that Democrats will pay the greater political price for the border chaos. "The failure of the president's leadership on this,'" Rove opined, "is going to gravely hurt him, in part because it is bollixed up with a lot of other things. We're looking at the world melting down, the economy not good, and the president's leadership on the border is appalling. I do not understand why he didn't go to the border and use the prestige of his office." The Factor reminded Rove that his former boss George W. Bush, as well as many other presidents, also failed to secure the border: "We have not built a secure fence on the border and we have not put the National Guard at the border. There is a dereliction of leadership and I think it's political."
White House policies collapsing
Guests:Ed Herny Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry, who has been asking tough questions about the southern border, joined The Factor with his take on the administration's demeanor. "I don't see a sense of panic," he said. "They think that a lot of the problems are being exaggerated and they do not see that it's spiraling out of control. They understand that the public is not happy with the crisis, but they simply don't think it's the president's fault. They believe that if Republicans had worked with the president on border security and immigration reform that maybe we'd be in a better place."
New Jersey TV reporter suspended for controversial racial comments
Guests: Howard Kurtz & Lauren Ashburn TV reporter Sean Bergin, while covering a cop-killing in Jersey City, decried the "anti-cop mentality" in many cities and blamed it on "young black men growing up without fathers." He was promptly suspended and then resigned from the station. The Factor pursued the story with media analysts Howard Kurtz and Lauren Ashburn. "Sean Bergin did a courageous thing by speaking out on a very incendiary subject," Kurtz said, "and if he had editorialized on something less controversial I don't think the station would have booted him out." But Ashburn argued that Bergin deserved the suspension. "Do you really think every reporter should be able to editorialize and say whatever they want at any time? He went over the line by saying that this is an issue that no one will touch. It's true, but it is not his job to do anything but report the facts." The Factor concluded, "I don't think he did deserved the punishment he got."
Senator Rubio on Border Chaos
Guests:Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Republican Senator Marco Rubio reacted to the situation at the Mexican border. "I would never have signed an executive action granting deferred action to those who are in this country illegally," he stated. "That sent a message that invited people to come and you see the disaster that has followed. There needs to be an all-out effort to finally put to rest the illegal immigration problem. This involves the construction of strategic fencing and also the deployment of technologies to secure the border with Mexico." Rubio also recommended that children here illegally be sent back to their countries. "The leading reason why this is happening is because word of mouth is spreading, that if you make it to the United States as an unaccompanied minor or as a family with children you will be treated differently than adults who are traveling by themselves. That word gets back, people see that they've made the voyage safely."
Dennis Miller gives his take on the border chaos
Guests:Dennis Miller The Factor invited Dennis Miller to opine on the messy situation at the Mexico border. "You have to bifurcate that situation down there," Miller professed. "It's horrific that kids are here and that they're sick, but letting children travel alone internationally is a bad place to start. If you're going to come into this country illegally, do it as a family exercise. The family that breaks in together stays together. Don't send the kids, that's a bad play and nothing good can come out of that." Miller also reacted to NASA's suggestion that there could be millions of separate worlds capable of hosting alien life. "If any aliens are hidden here they're going to get into this country illegally. We'll have actual illegal aliens at that point. It won't be NASA that finds out about aliens, it'll be the NSA tapping their phones."
Department of Justice investigating a float in Nebraska
Guests:Gretchen Carlson
A Fourth of July parade in Nebraska included a float resembling an outhouse that was labeled "Obama Presidential Library." The Justice Department, under criticism for avoiding other issues, is actually investigating the float's creator. Fox News host Gretchen Carlson elaborated on the situation. "The Justice Department sent a representative to Nebraska," she reported, "someone who investigates discrimination disputes. There was a meeting with the NAACP and the mayor of this small town. The DOJ certainly has bigger fish to fry - maybe they could put a special prosecutor on the IRS situation or Benghazi or other big things that are happening."
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Always, always be extra-skeptical about what you read on the Internet and elsewhere.