The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo and Top Story
Wising up over government spending
Guests: Lou Dobbs
"You may have heard about New York City police officer Lawrence DePrimo, who spent $100 of his own money to give a barefoot homeless man, Jeffrey Hillman, some boots. But here's the sad truth: Mr. Hillman is not homeless, he has an apartment paid for by you and me. He's on government assistance and has enough resources to live his life in a dignified manner. Yet he prefers the street, and the boots have disappeared. I'm not judging Hillman; most cases like his involve substance abuse or mental illness. However, we are giving the guy tens of thousands of dollars a year and it is doing nothing. There are millions of Americans like Hillman and we need to understand that some people simply will not save themselves. Right now an estimated 66 million Americans are receiving food stamps and/or Medicaid and there are 21 million folks working for the government. That means 87 million people are being subsidized by we the taxpayers, but there are only 109 million Americans working in the private sector! Yet the Obama administration and the Democratic Party continue to put forth that higher taxation will bring the massive debt under control. Perhaps the only Democrat telling the truth is Howard Dean, who admitted that 'everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich.' He sympathizes with the socialist philosophy and that's where this country is headed - taking from those who are productive and giving to those who are struggling or working for the massive government apparatus. We should all emulate Officer DePrimo and try to help those in need, but that help may be futile. President Obama needs to invite Jeffrey Hillman to the White House, he needs to talk with the man with no shoes, and he needs to see what is actually happening in this country."
New stats indicate that a single mother in Pennsylvania, because of entitlements, is better off taking a job that pays $29,000 a year than a job that pays $69,000 a year. Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs analyzed the numbers. "If you have a family with one parent and two children in Pennsylvania," he explained, "food stamps amount to a subsidy of $6,300 a year. Medicaid and child health insurance adds $16,500 a year and Section 8 subsidized rent is another $4,300. So there is more disposable income for that woman with her two children on public assistance, it's extraordinary!" The Factor criticized the perverse incentives that abound in Pennsylvania and elsewhere: "The system is set up to reward people who aren't making much money, and if you try to bring yourself up you're actually going to have a lower standard of living because you're going to lose some of those benefits."

Are cell phones harming personal relationships?
Guests: Laura Ingraham
Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham opined on Bob Costas' visit to the No Spin Zone to explain his stance on America's "gun culture." "I've always been a big fan of his," Ingraham said, "but I think that sports is one of the last bastions of a politics-free environment, so I don't need to hear the politics. He didn't know as much as he thought he knew before he went into his commentary, he's against things that are already banned." Ingraham also tackled a new study indicating that cell phones and text messaging are damaging social interactions. "For a lot of people it's a crutch because it's easier to send a text than to deal with a situation. In the end you miss life, whether it's a meal with your children or a beautiful landscape, because you're looking down."
Custody battle could go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court
Guests: Megyn Kelly
In South Carolina, a 3-year-old girl was taken away from her adoptive parents because her biological father is part American Indian. Fox News anchor and attorney Megyn Kelly elaborated on the case, which could be decided by the Supreme Court. "The father is 3% Native American and he was out of the picture halfway through the pregnancy," Kelly reported. "He didn't even ask about the baby, but when she was four months old this couple in South Carolina sent him the adoption papers. He said, 'You know what, I want her.' In any other case the answer would have been 'no' because he abandoned her, but there is a law called the Indian Child Welfare Act that is meant to protect Indian families from being ripped apart. When the child was 27 months old, the biological father showed up and took her from the only home she had ever known. He drove away and has never again let her see the adoptive parents. This is crazy!"
Is there a growing anti-Christian bias in America?
Guests: Gretchen Carlson and Jeanine Pirro
The Factor asked Culture Warriors Gretchen Carlson and Jeanine Pirro whether there is indeed a "war on Christmas." "We've always had nativity scenes and creches and menorahs," Pirro said, "but all of a sudden these things are being suppressed. Courts are saying that any identification of religion in any way is unconstitutional and a violation of the First Amendment." Carlson complained about the tyranny of the minority. "We now listen to the 1% in society that feels this way. It's usually just one complaint that changes something for the majority of people who have enjoyed it for their lifetimes." The Factor concluded, "Every day I come to work and I see attacks on Judeo-Christian traditions and I have to lead this campaign."
Watters' World: Christmas Quiz Edition
Guests: Jesse Watters
FNC's Jesse Watters took his crew to Rockefeller Center, in the very shadow of the Christmas Tree, to talk with folks about the holiday and what it means to them. Some responses: "Christmas means family" ... "being with loved ones" ... "being thankful for what you have." Most people were well aware that Jesus was a carpenter born in Bethlehem, but less well versed on the Three Wise Men and other Christmas lore. Watters entered the No Spin Zone with a recap of his adventure. "One person said the Three Wise Men were bringing Jesus a lamb," he pointed out. "Why would he need a lamb?" Given a pop quiz by The Factor, Watters correctly - and wisely - asserted that the Wise Men hailed from Arabia, Persia, and India.
Gutfeld and McGuirk on the War on Christmas
Guests: Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk
Factor regulars Bernard McGuirk and Greg Gutfeld - one bald, one short, both amusing - weighed in on the Christmas wars. "I don't call it a war on Christmas," Gutfeld said, "I call it a war on fun. The right wing was supposed to be the people who didn't like having fun, but now it's the left. But I don't think it's gone far enough - I hate presents, which are examples of capitalistic greed. We need to take all the presents to the White House and then redistribute them across the country." McGuirk credited The Factor with firing one of the war's first shots. "It started in earnest this year with your debate with the Governor Lincoln Chafee, who is about as sharp as a bowling ball. When he got in the ring with you, Bill, it was like Justin Bieber getting in the ring with Mike Tyson. The war on Christmas is real and it has to do with two things, abortion and the gay rights agenda, because Christianity is against those things."
Viewers sound off
John Derosa, Las Vegas, NV: "Bill, your interview with Bob Costas was masterful. Guns are not the issue. Lack of education and lack of self-control are the issues."
Angela Parks, Effingham, IL: "Costas is totally right and your theater scenario is absurd, Bill. More innocent people are hurt by guns than helped by them."
Steve Weierbach, Ventnor City, NJ: "I don't agree with Costas but he is a stand up guy for coming on The Factor. Most people with his views would not."
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