The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Mitt Romney under fire for money
Guests: Heather McGhee & David Arkush

"It is not a good week for Mitt Romney so far. He was rather flat in Monday's debate and a new poll of Republican voters shows Romney with 30% and Newt Gingrich at 27%. Governor Romney's latest problem is money; some Americans believe he is not sensitive about his vast wealth. Romney said he earns 'not very much' from speaking fees, but he earned about $375,000 in speaking fees in 2010 and early 2011. That's big money for most people, but not for the Governor, whose net worth is around $200 million. So how should we process this? According to research by The Atlantic, George Washington was worth $525 million in today's currency and the Kennedy family was worth about one billion dollars. The truth is, many who go into public service are rich folks. You can decide if Mitt Romney is some sort of greedhead, but consider that our capitalistic system is based on the freedom to earn as much as you can, provided you do it honestly. Do some Americans have unfair advantages? Of course. But as President Obama's term in office demonstrates, the more the feds try to create 'social justice,' the more debt piles up, leading to inevitable outcries of 'tax the rich.' Mitt Romney should release his tax returns and vigorously defend the system that has enriched him. If he doesn't, he will not become president."

The Factor pursued the issue of Mitt Romney's wealth with liberal analysts Heather McGhee and David Arkush. "I think where he's going to get into trouble," McGhee said, "is not how much money he has, but how much he's contributing to our country in taxes. His 15% rate is a lot lower than most Americans actually pay, and we just learned that he uses over a dozen tax havens in the Cayman Islands. That's the kind of thing that will make voters pause." Arkush agreed that Mitt Romney has gone far out of his way to lower his tax burden. "He's exploiting a tax loophole and paying only 15%. It's important to do things that are actually productive to society, not merely legal. Romney's entire business model was wrong." But The Factor accused Romney's critics on the left of selective outrage: "When John Kerry took his yacht and registered it in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts, I didn't hear progressive Americans scream that a guy worth $300 million was trying to dodge yacht taxes."
Juan Williams stirs controversy with tough debate questions
Guest: Juan Williams

Fox News analyst Juan Williams, who butted heads with Newt Gingrich during Monday night's debate, entered the No Spin Zone and disputed Gingrich's implication that some poor children lack a strong work ethic. "He's wrong," Williams pronounced. "The reality is that when jobs are offered to young people you have lines around the block. He didn't say he wants to fund jobs, he said poor kids lack a good work ethic, and I thought his intent was to belittle people and play racial politics." The Factor interpreted Gingrich's remarks somewhat differently: "He didn't say it was the kids' fault, he said they don't see it at home in a lot of instances, so the school system has to begin teaching the value of work."
Glenn Beck analyzes the state of the GOP race
Guest: Glenn Beck

The Factor invited Glenn Beck to weigh in on the Republican race. "Ron Paul needs to ssshhh! on foreign policy," Beck began, "because he sounds a little like Osama bin Laden at times. It's not America's fault and I don't think Ron Paul gets that. Gingrich is probably the best at a debate, but he loves every president that I think is despicable - Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and now Andrew Jackson. He's a big-government progressive. Mitt Romney scares me because I don't think he sees the Federal Reserve as a problem. If there is a global crisis I am not convinced that Romney is the guy to bring us into a small government age, but he understands the economy and business. He's the guy who will wipe the floor with Barack Obama in a debate, and I have a gut feeling that Romney will be the GOP nominee."
Romney's body language during tough debate
Guest: Tonya Reiman

Body language ace Tonya Reiman analyzed how Mitt Romney handled some of the contentious exchanges at Monday's debate. "In every debate," Reiman said, "you're looking for when the 'power gestures' come in and when the 'weak gestures' come in. Mitt Romney had his hand in his pocket, which is a poor position. The perception comes across as weak. And when he was interacting with Gingrich you could see his eyes dart around a lot and you see him look down - these are weak gestures. He should be turning his body towards Gingrich." Reiman also watched the interview in which Michelle Obama complained that she has frequently been portrayed as an "angry black woman." "She looked up when she said this, and whenever people are looking up they're actually trying to see what their next words will be. So I knew this was natural. I saw a little bit of annoyance mixed with deep concentration."
Miller sounds off on Obama's Disney World trip
Guest: Dennis Miller

The Factor asked Dennis Miller to comment on President Obama's upcoming visit to Disney World, where he'll promote foreign tourism. "He wants to draw people to the United States," Miller said, "and aren't they going to be surprised when they find out it's harder to get into Disney World than it is to get into the actual country? You couldn't even get Disney out of the blocks today. Space Mountain? Defund it along with NASA! Canyon Roller Coaster? Can't have it because it's coal burning! Walt Disney himself? An imperious 'one-percenter' trying to make out at the extent of your kids! The only Mickey Mouse operation Obama wants to see running is the federal government." Miller also delivered a smackdown to Francesco Schettino, captain of the cruise ship that ran aground off Italy. "It's a bad sign when the captain beats the drug mules off the ship. He'll probably skate with a manslaughter charge, but this guy ought to croak himself. Open up a wrist in a bathtub, pal, and do the right thing!"
Did You See That: Super PAC ad shows cartoon of Romney losing debate to Obama
Guest: Juliet Huddy

Fox News correspondent Juliet Huddy viewed a cartoon created by Newt Gingrich supporters in which President Obama makes mincemeat out of Mitt Romney. "All these attacks are much more palatable," Huddy observed, "when they're delivered in this cartoon form. It's the same old message that Romney flip-flopped on his position and doesn't have much to say, but it's entertaining and it's creating some buzz." The Factor concluded that Romney has to take the offensive in Thursday's debate: "Romney has to come out roaring and defend himself or Gingrich is going to win the South Carolina primary. This rising above the fray is not working."
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Thomas Moore, Duvall, WA: "Mr. O'Reilly, you are drinking the kool-aid about 'electability.' You've fallen in line with the Republican establishment about Romney being the only one that could defeat President Obama."

Ryan Cook, Plano, TX: "Bill, if Romney runs against Obama, the governor will lose. If I'm wrong, I will buy you dinner. But I know you would never be seen with a regular guy like me."
NJ Governor Chris Christie
Wednesday's Patriot: Portly New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who blasted left-wing columnist Eugene Robinson for ridiculing Christie's weight.