Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor
Thursday, July 25, 2013
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Al Sharpton, Lil' Wayne and the Black Community
Guest: Paul Porter
"Yesterday President Obama echoed a familiar theme, complaining about 'growing inequality.' Since Mr. Obama has been President, more than $6-trillion has been added to the national debt, much of it spent trying to redistribute income. Economic growth is about 2%, and that's why wages aren't rising. With high unemployment and companies afraid to expand, there's little incentive to pay workers more. And even if there were plenty of jobs, most employers are not going to hire people who can't read well or speak proper English. In many poor neighborhoods there is violence, chaos, and little discipline in the schools. Also, with the African American out-of-wedlock birth rate at 73%, many young blacks are unsupervised and prone to imitate bad behavior like the garbage the rapper Lil Wayne puts out. But when Mountain Dew pulled a multi-million dollar endorsement deal with Lil Wayne, guess who intervened? Does the name Al Sharpton sound familiar? The parent company of Lil Wayne, which markets vile stuff that hurts children, is a partner in distributing Sharpton's upcoming book. That's right, Sharpton is in business with people who put out entertainment harmful to children. The civil rights industry is not addressing the core reason why many African Americans are not succeeding. Because of that, young blacks continue to be at risk and have enormous obstacles to overcome."

The Factor was joined by Paul Porter, a former executive with Black Television Network who is familiar with non-profits run by Al Sharpton and other 'civil rights leaders.' "There is a lot of money exchanged," Porter said, "and a lot of companies contribute to non-profits, which are businesses. One man who was with Sharpton for nine years has written about receiving 'blood money.' Reverend Sharpton has done great things, but things like this are troubling. The images and the content are just killing these kids." The Factor added a note about Al Sharpton's upcoming book: "I haven't read the book, but his spokesperson tells me it will be critical of Lil Wayne."
More on Al Sharpton and the American Black Community
Guests: Dr. R. L'heureux Lewis-McCoy
The Factor welcomed L'heureux Lewis-McCoy, a professor who defended Al Sharpton. "There has been tension between Al Sharpton and Lil Wayne," Lewis-McCoy claimed. "Back in 2007, Sharpton led a campaign about decency in hip-hop and his goal was to protest companies that don't clean up their act. Al Sharpton is an iconic civil rights figure and Lil Wayne is an iconic hip-hop generation figure." The Factor asked whether the profane and thuggish Lil Wayne is influencing black children. "I don't think he is a primary driver of my culture," Lewis-McCoy replied. "He is one of many factors, but Lil Wayne is not the embodiment of African American culture." The Factor reiterated that cultural influences and family breakup have ravaged many black areas: "Education has to be encouraged in the home, and if the home is drug-addled and chaotic with no supervision, there's not going to be education."
Guest: Pastor Robert Jeffress
Pastor Robert Jeffress entered the No Spin Zone to assess the role of forgiveness in the ongoing Anthony Weiner sexting scandal. "People ought to forgive him," Jeffress said, "but that doesn't mean they put him back into office. There's a difference between forgiving and reconciling. If we're in business together and you cheat me out of $50,000, I need to forgive you and give up my right to vengeance, but I want to see some rehabilitation before we go back into business together. We need to dispel the myth that a person's private morality has no effect on his ability to serve in office - character counts and a person's judgments in his private life spill over into political life." The Factor reminded Jeffress that his rule has exceptions, saying, "John F. Kennedy's indiscretions were at the highest level but he was a very good president."
NSA Update
Guest: Brad Thor
The House has voted to endorse the NSA's collecting data on Americans' phone calls and emails. The Factor scrutinized the spy program with author Brad Thor, whose thrillers focus on national security. "I have a problem with guys like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden," Thor said. "If you have an item you think is that hot, you can find people in your chain of command or in Congress who can help. The stuff that Snowden has uncovered is just the tip of the iceberg and the technology that the NSA has in the pipeline is terrifying. I believe, from people I've talked with, that actual phone calls and emails are being recorded and stored. I would rather see private companies like Verizon and AOL and Google hold onto the information. Then, if the feds want access to your emails, they have to get a judge to sign off on a warrant."
Dealing with Leakers
Guests: Greg Gutfeld & Bernard McGuirk
Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk tried to answer that burning question, "What the Heck Just Happened." They focused on NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who remains in Moscow while seeking a permanent home. "I have a solution," Gutfeld said. "Wherever he is granted asylum, the United States should fill a jumbo jet with all the Gitmo inmates and drop them into that country. Because if they are accepting somebody who is increasing our risk of terrorism, we should do the same to them." McGuirk aimed a verbal barrage at Russia's President. "Vladimir Putin is a beady-eyed, Gestapo-looking, sneaky, Stalin wannabe little goon. We should boycott vodka and seize all the assets of Russian hookers and strippers in this country. And Snowden is a flat-out traitor. The one silver lining is that he's living in an airport and probably smells like a bathroom at Penn Station." Gutfeld concluded with a personal revelation. "I am suffering from post-royal birth depression, I feel empty inside. It's as if I gave birth and not that British lady."
More on Bill's Explosive Talking Points from Monday
Guest: Laura Ingraham
The Factor invited Laura Ingraham to evaluate this week's coverage of race issues. "I played your Talking Points Memo on my radio show," she reported, "and people were cheering because someone had the guts to say what you said. The biggest problem facing the black community is the breakup of the traditional family - there is a 37% poverty rate for single mothers, but just 6.8% for married women. Marriage is a critical weapon against poverty for all people, especially in the most vulnerable places in the inner city. Sadly, people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are nothing more than shakedown artists." The Factor denounced people who to look the other way: "White politicians don't want any part of this and President Obama does not want any part of this. Politicians have just washed their hands of this."
Viewers sound off
Dominic Macchio, West Hempstead, NY: "Congressman Rangel dodged the questions Jesse Watters was asking about black babies born out-of-wedlock. He has no intention of dealing with that."

David Clark, West Monroe, LA: "O'Reilly, I respect you for tackling the race issue but please tell me what about Charles Rangel you find likable."

Pat Basler, Costa Rica: "I am a Native American and don't hold a grudge toward the white man. The racial issue is a crutch for many people."
Consumer Alert
The entertainment press, like much of the mainstream media, refuses to report on cultural issues in a fair way, so keep that in mind when consuming your daily portion of information.