All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
"For weeks we've been telling you that the five major oil companies have been price gouging - taking advantage of hurricanes and the greed of OPEC to slam the American consumer. Some Americans have sided with the oil companies, citing the free market, supply and demand. Well, what say you now? Worldwide demand for oil is the same today as it was eight weeks ago, but oil prices are declining. So what gives? Oil companies are frightened that the American consumer will begin demanding fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuels for their homes and cars, so they're pulling back Our pals over at the New York Times are unhappy about falling gas prices, saying 'a bolstered gas tax would raise huge amounts of revenue ? to be used to provide offsetting tax breaks to low income households.' You gotta love the Times. Under the guise of helping the environment, they hammer home their theme of income redistribution. Oil companies have been scared into lowering oil prices. And the far left wants to exploit the situation to redistribute income. That's the cold hard truth in the No Spin Zone."
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Guest: Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, meterologist Bernie Rayno & climatologist Jeff Schultz
Hurricane Wilma smashed into Florida, leaving millions without electricity and shattering windows. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, whose district south Florida district was most affected, told The Factor why a curfew has been imposed. "No cars or people are allowed out from 8 PM to 6 AM because there are lots of trees on the roads and flooding all over the place. We're going to suffer economically, but we're going to get through it together because it's neighbor helping neighbor." The Factor commended the state and county for their forethought. "It looks like Florida was prepared and they're going to come through this in pretty good shape. It's smart to have a curfew because the police and emergency workers are trying to help people in trouble. They don't have time to be patrolling looters."
The coming storm
Meterologist Bernie Rayno talked about a separate storm that is about to hit New England and other sections of the northeast. "It's going to be a huge storm, and as we get into Tuesday this is going to be a super-storm. We're going to get all kind of flooding rain and it's going to feel like a tropical storm or hurricane. And it's not just wind, not just rain, but snow. There's going to be as much damage with this storm as we saw down in Florida."
Stormy weather: Man-made or natural?
Climatologist Jeff Schultz joined The Factor with a broader perspective on the recent proliferation of hurricanes. "We're in the middle of an active phase of a system that increases the frequency and intensity of hurricanes. What we're talking about is a 15 to 30 year phenomenon, and this is part of a natural cycle." While some environmentalists blame the storm surge on global warming, Schultz downplayed that idea. "Global warming could have a small percentage effect, but most scientists believe it is not driving the weather." |
Guest: Fox News correspondent Reena Ninan
The latest act of terror in Iraq was a massive car bomb explosion outside Baghdad's Palestine Hotel. Fox News correspondent Reena Ninan, who was in the hotel at the time, described the general climate in Baghdad. "Iraqis will tell you they don't feel safe, but they know this is the reality they live in. You never know if you're standing in front of a vegetable stand if a car bomb could explode." The Factor summed up the present situation. "They say 16 of the 19 provinces in Iraq are pacified and relatively safe. But Baghdad and the Sunni triangle are not safe. The bombings are never going to stop, and anyone who thinks they are is crazy." |
Guests: Debra Saunders & Kevin Fagan, San Francisco Chronicle
23-year old Lashaun Harris recently killed her three young children by pushing them into San Francisco Bay. Reporter Kevin Fagan described Harris as schizophrenic and dangerous. "She went off her medication this summer, believing she was cured, and went downhill from there. Her mother did try to get custody of the kids at one point, but it's very hard to take children away from a parent who is mentally ill." Fagan also reported on another brutal crime, in which 16-year old Scott Dyleski allegedly murdered Pamela Vitale. "There were a lot of warning flags on this kid. His behavior changed abruptly around the 8th or 9th grade. His sister died, his parents divorced, and he went from being a fairly normal looking kid and a Boy Scout to a severe 'Goth.'" The Factor added that Dysleski, while deserving the presumption of innocence, is a likely suspect. "This is one troubled kid - he dropped out of high school, was a 'Goth,' and allegedly carved a 'Goth' symbol into the dead woman's body." |
Guests: Attorney Charles Hinkle & Claude de Corsi, Safari Club
According to the Oregon Supreme Court, live sex acts on stage are a form of "expression" and protected by the state constitution. Strip club owner Claude de Corsi claimed the ruling won't alter his business. "We don't feel it's time to explore that avenue of adult entertainment. We don't want to go too far and upset the community. We're going to stay with dancers and maintain our current format." Attorney Charles Hinkle praised the ruling as a victory for civil liberties. "This is a vigorous reaffirmation of free speech principles. Oregon voters have said they do not want restrictions on sexual activity and free speech. They know that despite what people like you say, there has been no effect on property values and no increase in crime." The Factor disagreed, contending that the ruling will harm Oregon families. "Many of these clubs are in close proximity to residences. I think it's an intrusion on the people of Oregon, and if you put it to a referendum, asking if you want live sex shows, it would be defeated." |
Guest: Norm Stamper, former Chief of Police of Seattle, Washington
Former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper has written a book with some unusual proposals, particularly when it comes to drugs. "My vision is complete legalization," Stamper declared. "It would lead to safer and healthier communities as a result of taking away the drug trafficking that is deteriorating cities throughout this country. Drugs would be taxed, subject to fines, and regulated." The Factor pointed out that legalization has been tried in various European countries, with less than resounding success. "You had people shooting heroin in full view of children, and people walking around like zombies. Drug use among young Americans would skyrocket if it were legal." |
Some of your e mails dealt with the illegal alien who was driving a bus that exploded in Texas, killing 23 elderly people. Some excerpts:
Alan de Verteuil, Trinidad & Tobago: "It is insane to charge the illegal immigrant bus driver with the deaths of those senior citizens in Dallas. The bus company is obviously responsible."
Sheryl Rogers, Olmito, TX: "Bill, I was happy you had sympathy for the bus driver. The company was cited before and did nothing. That happens down here all the time."
D. Birch, Monterey, CA: "O'Reilly, why feel sorry for the bus driver? What about personal responsibility? The guy never should have been in this country or driving a bus here. He should be prosecuted."
Other viewers wrote about the war on Christmas by the ACLU and like-minded groups.
Jerry Green, Dubuque, IA: "Okay, Bill, here we go again with Christmas under siege. Find me one person not allowed to celebrate Christmas on private property."
Brenda Jansen, Beaverton, OR: "I am an American Muslim who agrees that the assault on Christmas is wrong. It is out of control." |