Wednesday, November 2, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Can the Presidential Candidates Solve Dangerous Problems?
"With five days left in the campaign, both candidates are ramping up the rhetoric. Both Trump and Clinton know what the problems are, but have mostly put forth general solutions. Here's a prime example: Speaking in Florida Tuesday, Hillary Clinton spotlighted the danger that some young Americans face on the streets where they live. Mrs. Clinton, who apparently believes the gun threat is upending society, said this: 'Something is wrong when young people just starting their lives are dying. Something is wrong when so many parents live in fear that their child will be hurt or killed going to the movies, sitting in a first-grade classroom, attending a Bible study. The list goes on. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment and responsible gun owners.' What Hillary Clinton has to know is that so far this year in the city of Chicago, 585 people have been killed and 3,100 wounded by gunfire. Most of those poor, black Americans. But the problem is not gun control. Chicago and the state of Illinois have strict gun-possession measures. Obviously the thugs who are shooting people don't really care about those measures. Therefore it is a total waste of time for Hillary Clinton or any politician to say that more gun control measures are going to solve the problem of street violence. There is a solution, but neither Clinton nor Trump has mentioned it. In the USA anyone committing any crime with a gun, even simple illegal possession, should be subject to federal mandatory prison sentences. All gun crimes should become federal crimes. That means that if cops in Chicago find a gang member or anybody else carrying an illegal weapon, they will be prosecuted by a U.S. Attorney. And if convicted, they will serve at least five years in a federal penitentiary. American law enforcement could take not only guns off the streets, but also people who illegally carry them or use them to commit crimes. And the upshot is that legal gun owners would be left alone. This is a simple solution, but Hillary Clinton would never support it. That is because she and many other liberals believe there are too many Americans in prison, and we should be more understanding of criminal behavior. That mindset has led to the carnage we have in cities like Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis. Talking Points does not know whether Donald Trump would support federalizing gun crimes, but he should. Mr. Trump has been endorsed by the NRA and says he will uphold the rights of Americans to defend themselves with firearms. But he and every other politician must know that criminals can easily get guns and that situation has to be confronted. So when we vote for president next Tuesday, we might think about candidates who really want to solve problems as opposed to candidates who just want to blow smoke."

The Factor followed up on the Talking Points Memo with Horace Cooper, a conservative black writer and analyst. "If you listen to Hillary Clinton's presentation," he groused, "it would appear that your greatest risk is reading the Bible or sitting in a classroom or going to a movie. She and progressives are ignoring the tragic deaths in Chicago and other cities in order to pursue a wholly different agenda, an agenda that will not minimize this continuing carnage. It is particularly bad in the black community. You have to raise the cost of criminality." The Factor lamented, "Both sides ignore the criminal element that uses guns to settle grudges and advance their narcotics dealings."
Campaign 2016
Gov. Huckabee on the Latest Polls
Guest: Gov. Mike Huckabee
A number of new polls out today: The LA Times tracking poll has Donald Trump up by six points. ABC News tracking poll and Rasmussen Polling both have the race a tie. The Economist Magazine has Clinton up three. Governor Mike Huckabee, a Trump supporter, is here to talk about what he's learned from the polls.
Impact Segment
Media in the Tank for Clinton?
There is little doubt that most editors and reporters are rooting hard for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. The Factor analyzed the bias with communications professors Merrill Brown and Jeff McCall. "The phrase 'liberal media' is in everyone's vernacular these days," Brown said, "and we know from past surveys that the media by and large vote liberal. But we still want to believe they are doing their jobs." McCall added that no one should be terribly surprised by the media's leftward tilt. "The reporters are a reflection of the environments in which they live. They live in newsrooms where most of their colleagues lean left, and they went to colleges and journalism schools where most of their professors leaned left. Most right-leaning reporters would not want to acknowledge that."
Miller Time
Miller Gives Election Survival Advice
Dennis Miller offered a few last-minute tips for election-weary Americans, Trump supporters in particular. "Don't say who you're voting for out loud," he advised, "because 'Big Sis' is watching. Don't say out loud that you're not voting for her or you'll be in trouble. And if she's not watching you, Huma's watching. It struck me today that they play rough over there and if you don't 'love and care' like they do, they will destroy you. And remember to get out and vote because it's close enough so Hillary could hijack it. If she wins next week, you don't want to be gang-audited!"
Did You See That?
Pro-Trump Students Catching Grief
Some college students who openly voice support for Donald Trump have been verbally and physically harassed on campus. FNC's Martha MacCallum examined some troubling incidents. "At the University of Pittsburgh," she reported, "a crowd was cheering and laughing as a student was yelling epithets at a Trump supporter. The language they're using is atrocious and they're doing it on other campuses, there's a lot of vitriol out there." MacCallum also identified a professor at New York University who claims he was given the boot because he openly mocked political correctness. The Factor concluded, "Almost all universities these days are run by people who are very far left."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Priscilla Nelson, Reno, NV: "Bill, from a journalistic perspective, what was the purpose of hounding Governor Pence by asking if he thought Hillary Clinton is corrupt?"

Bob Manuel, Indian Land, SC: "Bill, your badgering Pence on the corruption issue was over-the-top bullying."

Phil Whitaker, Amelia Island, FL: "Even though I support Trump-Pence, it never ceases to amaze me why seasoned politicians refuse to give yes or no answers to simple questions."
Tip of the Day
Pacific Pacifist
The new war movie 'Hacksaw Ridge' focuses on one pacifist soldier who emerged as one of the bravest soldiers during the fighting on Okinawa. The same harrowing and heroic story is also related in 'Killing the Rising Sun.'