Friday, September 9, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
What Would You Like to Know about Hillary Clinton?
"Rosemary Browning who lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee asks, 'What is Hillary Clinton's stand on Black Lives Matter?' Mostly supportive, Rosemary, even though her husband scolded them for interrupting his speech. No Democratic candidate would dare call out the radical organization and Mrs. Clinton is no exception. The second question is from Cynthia and John Mesher of Ocean View, Delaware: 'There has been some speculation about Hillary Clinton's health. When did she last release her medical records?' Secretary Clinton's doctor released a summary of Mrs. Clinton's health in July 2015. She has seasonal allergies and hypothyroidism but is generally in good health. Hilarie Rooney, who lives in Stuart, Florida wants to know, 'How did Hillary Clinton get a concussion that occurred just before she was to testify about Benghazi?' In December 2012, Secretary Clinton fainted while sick with a stomach virus. She fell and sustained a concussion. During treatment, a blood clot was discovered in her skull and was neutralized with blood-thinners. Mrs. Clinton's testimony on Benghazi had been delayed because of that and later she told the FBI that she could not recall some of the briefings she received around the time of the concussion. Joe Schreiber of Costa Rica asks, 'Why did Hillary Clinton not respond to former Ambassador Christopher Stevens' recommendation to move the U.S. intelligence facility in Benghazi?' We can find no evidence the ambassador ever made such a request. He did, however, ask for increased security for American personnel in Libya that was denied by Under Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy. Mrs. Clinton maintains she was not aware of the security requests from Libya. Ronald Deangelis of Stamford, Connecticut wants to know what Hillary Clinton's association was with the radical writer Saul Alinsky. Hillary Clinton did her college thesis at Wellesley on Mr. Alinsky, a far-left guy. She interviewed him and said nice things about him. He offered her a job, which she turned down to attend Yale Law School. Next question is from Tony Ford, who lives in Las Vegas: 'What are the facts in Hillary Clinton's leaving the Watergate investigation?' She left because Nixon resigned. As an attorney working for the House Judiciary Committee her work was over when Nixon departed for California. There were reports that she was fired but those are not true. Those are all very good questions, and on Monday we will answer questions about Donald Trump. What do you want to know about him? It will be in the Talking Points Memo."
Campaign 2016
Trump's Slogan & Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton has declared that Donald Trump's slogan - 'Make America Great Again' - is blatantly racist and suggests that America should be more like the 1950s. However, President Clinton himself used the term many times over the years, both in his own campaigns and when stumping for his wife. Nevertheless, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell defended Bill Clinton's anti-Trump accusation. "It's the man behind the words," he said. "Blacks love Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, blacks are the ones who put Hillary in her current position. On the other hand, blacks and minorities do not trust Donald Trump. Some people can use that phrase, you have to look at the person." The Factor disagreed, saying, "I don't think the slogan has anything to do with race, nothing at all, and what Bill Clinton did was cheap!"
Impact Segment
Trump Rally in Pensacola
The Factor cut live to a Donald Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida. Trump was telling the audience that he is "fighting for all Americans, even liberals who have failed us." He also touted recent polls that show his campaign on the ascendency, and he blasted Hillary Clinton as a "dishonest candidate of the past." In addition, the Republican nominee denounced our administration for allowing China to steal American jobs through currency manipulation and bad trade deals. "The era of economic surrender is over," Trump declared, and he vowed to bring jobs back to Pensacola and the USA.
Personal Story
Geraldo on Trump
For reaction to the Trump speech, The Factor turned to Geraldo Rivera. "I don't get the theme of driving down America," Rivera groused. "He had a much more disciplined speech earlier Friday that was aimed at evangelicals. But this was the classic Trump stump speech and he did it in Pensacola, which a friend of mine calls the 'capital of the Redneck Riviera.' He already has the people of Pensacola in the bag." Rivera then complimented Trump's new campaign manager for engineering his recent turnaround. "Kellyanne Conway has brought a discipline to the campaign, she has given him gravitas. But the worst thing that happened to him recently was when he sat down with you and flip-flopped on the 'birther' notion. That gave the mainstream media something they could use to stop his momentum." The Factor concurred, saying, "The mainstream media is looking for anything to denigrate Trump and I think that's terrible."
Back of the Book
Factor News of the Day
The Factor introduced a new segment that will look back at some of the week's top stories. To start off, North Korea has just conducted its fifth nuclear test, which is in defiance of international law. The Factor's reaction: "President Obama promises that the United States 'will lead the international community in responding to this threat.' Does anyone believe Mr. Obama will respond to the threat in a meaningful way? I do not believe the North Koreans are afraid." Meanwhile, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson is still trying to recover from his stunning admission that he did not know where or what Aleppo is. The Factor: "Governor, you didn't have a chance in the first place, and now your profile is damaged beyond repair. I think the governor is a good man and I appreciate his public service, but he is not qualified to run this country." Finally, following the lead of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall chose to kneel during Thursday night's National Anthem. He declared he is not anti-cop, but is "against social justice." The Factor reacted thusly: "Mr. Marshall is an interesting study. He had a violent father who went to prison, but he succeeded in developing his football skills, received a full scholarship to college, and has played well in the National Football League. So let's put this in perspective - poor kid, bad father, and he now earns millions in our capitalistic system. Nowhere else on earth could Brandon Marshall have done that. Bad things do happen in this country and they must be confronted, but to disrespect our system is fallacious in the extreme! Want to improve things, good. Disrespecting the National Anthem is not."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Bill Hamm, Strongsville, Ohio: "Trump saying Putin is a strong leader isn't legitimizing him. A fact is a fact."

Jeanne Yacoub, Johns Creek, GA: "When Hillary Clinton unilaterally took the ground troops option off the table in Iraq and Syria, she made the case for Trump's observation that U.S. generals have been reduced to 'rubble.'"

Judy Allen, Warren, MI: "Please move Watters' World to the beginning of the Factor so I can go to bed."

Victoria Marsh, Cortland, NY: "Only a capitalistic system could produce a job like Watters has."
Tip of the Day
A Good Friday for Tuesday's Children
The very worthy charity 'Tuesday's Children,' which serves families impacted by the 9/11 terror attacks, had the honor of ringing the opening bell Friday morning at the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. Check out the organization and its very good work.
Friday: Live with Trump Coverage and Your Questions on Clinton