Some of you commended The Factor's crusade to have a version of Jessica's Law enacted in every state. Here's one example:
Ryan Wishum, Cary, NC: "Mr. O'Reilly, thanks for trying to get Jessica's Law passed in all 50 states. I wish more in the media would take up the cause."
Meanwhile, many of you continue to write about Cindy Sheehan and the war in Iraq. Some excerpts:
Scott Amos, Gresham, OR: "O'Reilly, there is no way your far-left critics can attack you for simply playing the tape of what Cindy Sheehan said. But they will anyway."
Dr. Kent Colbert, Marietta, GA: "Bill, you ridicule Ms. Sheehan with a leftwing stereotype label disgracing her as a parent."
Sgt. Darren Hubbell, Baghdad, Iraq: "Mr. O'Reilly, I am an Army medic serving my third tour in Iraq. I know that if we pull out now, all my foreign comrades, including Cindy Sheehan's son, will have died in vain."
Keri Shoemaker, Eagle Pass, TX: "Bill, I see Tom Hayden, like most on the far left, still refuse to explain their feelings about millions of Cambodians and Vietnamese being slaughtered upon America's exit from the region." |