Monday, August 8, 2005
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Debating the Voting Rights Act
Guest: Fox News analyst Juan Williams

"Over the weekend thousands of people showed up for a Jesse Jackson-sponsored event that brought attention to the Voting Rights Act and protested Georgia's requiring a picture ID before allowing someone to vote. Talking Points admires the Voting Rights Act and wants the act extended forever - on this we agree with Jackson and his supporters. But Jackson and others are objecting to voters having to produce picture IDs in Georgia. This is an anti-fraud measure, and the state says it will actually come to your house and give you an ID if you don't already have one. Sounds reasonable, but far left pundits such as Cynthia Tucker, editorial page boss of the Atlanta Constitution, say asking for IDs will disenfranchise some minorities. The truth is this - valid picture IDs will cut down on fraud. Elderly and sick people can easily acquire them, and the whole issue is a fraud. But it serves the purpose of ideologues like Jesse Jackson and Cynthia Tucker, and that's what this is really all about."

Fox News Video:

Fox News analyst Juan Williams joined The Factor with his view of the photo ID controversy in Georgia. Williams claimed that requiring identification will actually protect minorities. "Fraudulent tactics such as dead people voting were once used against minorities and used to keep minorities out of office. The idea that you would have positive identification is a good thing." The Factor reiterated that requiring photo IDs is simply common sense. "I have to show my ID to vote on Long Island so people can't show up and vote five times. The Republicans have done bad things in elections, and so have the Democrats. So we want everyone to run honest elections, and one way to do that is to know who is voting."

Impact Segment
Pirro vs. Clinton
Guest: Fox News analyst Dick Morris

District Attorney Jeanine Pirro has announced her intention to run against New York Senator Hillary Clinton when Mrs. Clinton's term expires next year. Fox News analyst Dick Morris declared that Pirro has a fighting chance. "She has a very rich record as a prosecutor. She can run a positive campaign talking about all the things she has worked on, build her name recognition, and close the gap with Hillary. Then she can make the point that Hillary, if elected, will do nothing but raise money and run for President in 2008." The Factor argued that Pirro starts from a distinct disadvantage and may eventually have to go negative. "She's got to go after Hillary Clinton on something."

Factor Follow Up Segment
Punishing Missouri sex offenders
Guest: Missouri Governor Matt Blunt

A 19-year old Missouri man who pleaded guilty to repeatedly abusing a little girl was recently sentenced to just four months in prison. Missouri Governor Matt Blunt joined The Factor and called the sentence an outrage. "That court ruling is why we need very tough laws that say judges have to put these people away for a very long time." Governor Blunt pledged to work with the state legislature to enact a version of Florida's "Jessica's Law," which mandates long sentences for child molesters. "Our vision is a mandatory sentence of 25 years for people who commit certain sex crimes so soft judges can't give them a soft sentence. I have no higher priority than protecting children." The Factor was elated by Governor Blunt's tough stance. "This is great news. If you get the Jessica's Law passed, then Missouri will become a trendsetter in America. That's what parents want."

Unresolved Problems Segment
Prosecuting sex between teenagers?
Guests: Juanessa Bennett & attorney B.J. Bernstein

While there is widespread condemnation of sex between adult predators and young children, it is less clear how to deal with statutory rape involving teenagers. In Georgia, 17-year old Genarlow Wilson was sentenced to ten years for having sex with a 15-year old girl at a party. Wilson's mother Juanessa Bennett called the sentence grossly unfair. "The punishment is too harsh. The law says it's okay for a 17-year old girl to be with a 50 year old man. But if you're 15 and with someone who is 17 it's a tougher penalty." The Factor pointed out that Wilson's attorneys are appealing the case and called it "a tragedy for everyone involved."

Personal Story Segment
Remembering Peter Jennings
Guest: Barbara Walters

The Factor praised ABC anchor Peter Jennings, who died this weekend at age 67. "Peter was not an ideologue, he was a citizen of the world. I learned a lot from him - he was a stand-up guy, and that is my highest compliment. He will never be forgotten in this country." Jennings' long time ABC colleague Barbara Walters stressed that he was far more than a news reader. "Peter was a superb journalist, and he also wanted to teach. He critiqued us all - he would ask us questions we couldn't answer, and made us do more homework than perhaps we wanted to do. I cannot tell you how superb a newsman he was."

Fox News Video:

Back of Book Segment
Latest in the Natalee Holloway case
Guest: Journalist Jossy Mansur

With television cameras rolling, Natalee Holloway's mother Beth Holloway Twitty walked into an Internet café and confronted Deepak Kalpoe, who had once been detained by Aruba police. Aruba journalist Jossy Mansur maintained that Twitty was well within her rights. "It's a public place, and she had the right to do this. This is a mother in distress who has been searching for answers. When she saw the opportunity and saw Deepak in this caf?, she decided to go in and ask him a few questions. He didn't even have the courtesy to say hello." The Factor also defended Natalee's mom and her actions. "The woman is desperately trying to keep the story alive, and she has to create these events to give us something to report every night. We continue to pray for her and her family."

Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of your e-mails dealt with our segment on the American Civil Liberties Union. Some excerpts:

Richard Jay, Boise, ID: "O'Reilly, after listening to your mindless diatribe against the ACLU, I am sending them a check to continue their defense of Constitutional rights."

Erica Sheridan, Phoenix, AZ: "Bill, I am appalled by the ACLU demanding rights for foreign terrorists who want to destroy this country."

J.B. Robert, Murphy, NC: "O'Reilly, it has become obvious with your criticism of the ACLU that you will not be satisfied until the USA has been turned into the Fourth Reich. I guess you've forgotten that this is the land of the free and terrorism be damned."

Scott Thompson, Canandaigua, NY: "Bill, you live in a dream world if you think the government's expanded powers will not be abused. It's only a matter of time."

Anita Tompkins, Wappinger Falls, NY: "The ACLU should be charged with aiding and abetting the terrorists."