Friday, November 14, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Will President Obama Harm the Country Next Week?
"It is widely believed that Barack Obama will sign an executive order that will grant legal status to as many as 5-million undocumented aliens. That doesn't mean they'll become citizens. It does mean they can stay here, work, and enjoy the freedoms America allows. Talking Points believes it is meaningless to debate the merits of amnesty. The far left, the open border people, and some in Hispanic-American precincts will not be dissuaded. They want few limits on immigration. Same thing on the right. Millions of Americans believe that people breaking civil law by illegally crossing the border or overstaying their visas have no right to any privileges given by our federal government. So further blather about the immigration debate is useless. What concerns me is President Obama subverting the law. There is no way the Supreme Court will rule that the president can mandate a new immigration law. This confrontation doesn't have to happen. The new Congress would be under extreme pressure to pass new immigration laws. And I believe the new Congress would do that because if the House and Senate don't, Republicans will lose the presidency in 2016. And even if Congress shirked its responsibility, President Obama could then take piecemeal executive action. That is, he could grant certain privileges to targeted groups, but not five million people - that's insane! Talking Points fervently hopes that on the long plane ride back from Australia, President Obama changes his mind and spares this country a terrible fight over his power and illegal immigration."

The Factor explored the immigration debate with attorneys Tom Dupree and Elizabeth Wydra. "You've got the Constitution wrong," Wydra proclaimed, "and you're also wrong about the Supreme Court. Just two years ago the conservative Roberts court affirmed that the Obama administration has broad discretion when it comes to instituting deportation proceedings." But Dupree disagreed vehemently with that interpretation. "The Founders and those who ratified the Constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they vested legislative power in the Congress, specifically the power to make naturalization laws. Our Founders were well aware of the dangers of executive overreach." The Factor suggested to Wydra that she is overestimating the president's power: "You're correct when you say he has discretion in enforcement, but he does not have discretion in formulating the law."
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
Tragedy in Raleigh
Mateo Palacio Guzman, an illegal alien who had deported three times, killed two young women while driving drunk in North Carolina this month. The Factor analyzed the case with Geraldo Rivera. "Your interest in hit-and-run drunk drivers," Rivera protested, "seems to be limited to be when the driver is not here without proper immigration status. What about the 33,351 other drunk driving deaths? Some of the cases you bring up are as representative of the undocumented immigrant population as Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer are representative of the American people. This perverts the debate!" But The Factor accused Rivera of ignoring a major problem: "You are pettifogging the issue and you are justifying bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. The deportation laws are not being enforced in this country, the powerful in Washington are not enforcing the law."
Lou's the Boss Segment
Kids and Poverty in the USA
A new survey indicates that 44% of American children have experienced some form of poverty in recent years. The Factor asked Fox Business host Lou Dobbs to explain. "This is a societal problem and a cultural problem and we are throwing away the country's future," Dobbs lamented. "We have a failing education system and an economy that is not being stimulated and nurtured, and we are seeing families being torn to pieces. Unemployment is principle among the reasons - black males are at the same unemployment rate as they were 50 years ago when the 'war on poverty' began. There are no jobs, and wages have remained basically stagnant for three decades! We have to have policies that support families and small business."
Personal Story
A Special Guest Enters the No Spin Zone
The Factor was joined by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, who opined on last week's Republican onslaught. "The Democrats curled up in a little ball," he observed, "and tried to make sure nobody hit them too hard. I don't even know what they ran on! They ran on, 'We don't like Obama either, we've got nothing to do with the guy.' But his poll numbers are so much higher than congressional poll numbers, head lice does better than Congress! The fundamental problem-solving mechanism of our government is utterly broken. We can blame it on the president, but let's face facts - when he came into office the Republicans said we will deny this man any bipartisan agreement, we will undercut anything he offers. That's how they've operated over the past six years." The Factor reminded Stewart of another inconvenient truth, saying, "The callow youth that watches your program didn't show up to vote."
Personal Story
Stewart on his New Movie
Jon Stewart hung around for a second segment and spoke about "Rosewater," a new movie about an Iranian dissident that Stewart wrote and directed. "I want people to leave the theater with the idea that this type of repression of your own people is unsustainable," Stewart said. "As technology has democratized information, people are being arrested around the world, not just in Iran. And the apparatuses in these countries that have been set up to suppress information and to hurt their own people are not sustainable. I despise what the Iranians did to this journalist, but I also despise what we do in this country in terms of the pressure we put on journalists."
What the Heck Just Happened Segment
The Damage Done by Pot
Bernard McGuirk and Greg Gutfeld pondered that age-old question, "What the heck just happened?" They analyzed a study showing that marijuana is harmful to brain function. "This is propaganda and lies," Gutfeld declared. "Some people look at the skull as half-empty, but I look at is half-full. The cortex may shrink, but you create a leaner and smaller and faster brain that takes less space in the skull. For example, right now I am keeping my wallet and my car keys behind my sinuses." McGuirk, unexpectedly turning serious for a moment, warned against chronic marijuana ingestion. "It doesn't exactly warrant a Fox News alert that heavy pot makes you stupid and causes shrinkage of the brain. The same thing is true of alcohol. I'm not against legalization, but marijuana should be stigmatized like cigarette smoking."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Ramon Estrada, Tomball, TX: "Jennice Fuentes does not speak for all Latinos. We want the rule of law. My family members are trying to enter legally and have waited for years. The president is wrong."

Pam Balezos, Lake Havasu City, AZ: "Bill, you said Officer Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown. Excuse me, the officer shot in self-defense."
Tip Of The Day
The End of Privacy
Despite all its wonders, technology has impeded our right to privacy. Always remember to keep your private life under wraps, whether on line or in the streets.