All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
"Back in the 19th century, there was an American political group called the 'know nothings' because they were secretive and ineffective. Today we have a 'do-nothing' government in Washington, where little is accomplished. When Putin invaded Crimea, America was caught by surprise; when terrorists killed four Americans in Benghazi, America was caught by surprise; when the V.A. scandal broke, the administration was caught by surprise; when thousands of children started illegally walking across the southern border, there was surprise. And now, with Iraq on the verge of collapse, guess what? There is surprise. The president says they're working on the problem, but critics say the president has known for months that Iraq was in danger. President Obama does seem disengaged from vital problems, and American voters are starting to understand. A new Gallup poll asks, 'Can President Obama manage government effectively?' Only 39% say yes, and just 34% believe the president has a plan to solve the country's problems. Talking Points has been very consistent - I don't care about party politics, I want problem-solvers in Washington and in our state capitals. I have nothing against Barack Obama and I support some of his programs, but there's no question that he is not effectively running the country."
The Factor solicited feedback from Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry. "President Obama is not responsible for every single thing that's gone wrong in the past few months," Henry stated. "They should have known about the V.A. scandal and they should have been on top of Iraq sooner, but you're painting a picture that everything he's touched is just falling apart. You're making it like the president has no idea what to do, but my question is more about whether he is decisive enough." The Factor stressed that the President Obama should have acted far more swiftly to stem the Iraq chaos: "As soon as those terrorists came across the Syrian border, you should have planes up to bomb the hell out of them. You're saying to the Iraqi army, hey, we'll help you. Nobody's putting boots on the ground, but you're killing as many of these Al Qaeda as possible. That's the plan that should have been there." |
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs analyzed another crisis in which thousands of children from Central America are streaming across the southern border. "Those children," Dobbs reported, "are now being sent off to military bases that have been set up to accommodate them. We're talking about 90,000 unaccompanied children coming in this year, and next year the number is likely to rise to a quarter-million! The Obama administration has been accused of orchestrating this in coordination with Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. I think you are watching a community organizer playing hemispheric politics." The Factor denounced media outlets in Central America and the smugglers who are profiting from human misery: "In countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, the media is telling folks that they'll be able to stay in the United States if they come now. And the smugglers are making a ton of money." |
The Factor also asked Geraldo Rivera about the children crossing into Texas. "I totally disagree with what Lou Dobbs said about the president being involved in some international conspiracy to flood the borders with children," Rivera declared. "I supported the Dream Act, but in these countries the word got out that you will not deported if you make it to the United States and you're a small child. If I were president, I would summon every ambassador from Central America. This is a humanitarian crisis of their making, and they bear the moral, financial, and legal responsibility for their citizens." Rivera also opined on the dire situation in Iraq. "The president's statement today about Iraq was the wimpiest and most ineffective statement I have ever heard him make. I would hit them with drones today, I would not wait a weekend. This is an emergency, you hit them now!" |
The Factor was joined by Adam Carolla, who has faced some blowback from his Hollywood pals for being a Factor regular. "I have to run serpentine every time I leave my house," he joked, "just because you and I are brought up in the same breath. People say you're like Hitler, but I tell them you're more like Stalin or Mussolini." Carolla added that he has been specifically denounced for urging parents to be more responsible. "It's insane that feeding your kids and being responsible for your kids has turned into some extreme right-wing platform. It exists around us in nature, birds take care of their chicks and whales take care of their calves. The left doesn't want any judgment, except that they judge the crap out of me for telling people to take care of their own kids." |
Hillary Clinton, while promoting her new book on a media tour, got in minor verbal scrap with an NPR host over her changing position on same sex marriage. The Factor invited Democratic strategist Christy Setzer to assess the dustup. "I was a surprised that Hillary Clinton got defensive," Setzer said, "because her position on gay marriage isn't anything to be defensive about. Has her position on gay marriage changed? Yes, but everyone's position has changed. She has a long-standing battle with a lot of members of the media and she tends to get defensive." Another Democrat, Richard Goodstein, downplayed Clinton's recent missteps and gaffes. "If she decides to run for president, it will be smooth sailing. Remember that back in the 90s she had to deal with all those faux scandals, so this is not anything that will get under her skin in the least. We're seeing an authenticity, she's speaking what's on her mind." |
Congressman Matt Salmon entered the No Spin Zone with the latest on Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who is still being held in Mexico on questionable weapons charges. "I don't think he's going to get out without the White House getting involved," Salmon said, "and we have made an impassioned plea to Vice President Biden to get him out. This young man is an honorable person who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and he needs to be out. When I visited him in Mexico I was very impressed with him. But so far the administration hasn't done a thing." The Factor also urged the White House to take action. "This has gone on for three months, the Obama administration has to start engaging on some of this stuff." |
Mike Riley, Bloomington, MN: "Bill, in listing the things going wrong, you left out the mass shootings. How are we going to blame this on the president?"
Bill Forrest, Woodbridge, VA: "Bill, after hearing your Talking Points on all the problems America has, I flipped over to MSNBC. You'd never know there were any problems on the president's watch." |
As another spring weekend arrives, remember to get out and be as active as your body, your age - and the weather - permit. |