Many of you continued to send e-mails about the BBC's coverage of the London terrorist attacks. Some excerpts:
George Altshuler, San Francisco, CA: "Mr. O'Reilly, I found your remarks about the BBC to be astonishing. If you actually watched them, you would see they are very honest in the way they describe terrorism."
Brenda Martin, Edwards, MS: "What's the difference between a Muslim terrorist in a black hood and a southern terrorist in a white hood? Do you think the BBC and other left-wing media would call a KKK person a 'southern fighter'?"
Charles Craig, Santa Monica, CA: "Bill, just curious, what do you think the families of Iraqis killed by U.S. bombs call us? Freedom fighters?"
Peter Camacho, Boca Raton, FL: "We need to learn more from the British on how they have kept a peaceful environment with such a diversity of religious faiths. Mr. Bush, the cowboy, is making the world more dangerous and is responsible for the London attack."
Other viewers wrote about the segment on reparations for slavery:
Stanton Smith, Matthews, NC: "Bill, you couldn't be more wrong saying the US government owes nothing to black Americans for slavery. If the U.S. government is not responsible, I don't know who is."
Bonita Santos, Phoenix, AZ: "African Americans should thank God their ancestors reached the USA. Would they prefer to be in Africa right now?" |