Tuesday, September 18, 2012
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Mitt Romney speaking the truth on the entitlement nation
Guests: Charles Krauthammer

"We now have a controversy over Governor Romney telling supporters that a large portion of the American population is dependent on government and most likely will not vote for him. Here is my question: Why is that controversial? If I'm Governor Romney I run with this all day long and I have the stats to back up my position. The federal and state governments are spending nearly $1 trillion a year on means-tested entitlements, which are payments other than Social Security and Medicare. More than 46-million Americans are receiving food stamps, nearly 9-million are on federal disability, and more than 100-million are in a household receiving some kind of welfare. I'm assuming that Governor Romney wants to stop the madness and get people back to work so they can pay their own bills, so he should be pointing a finger at President Obama, who is well on his way to creating a welfare state. This is so crazy it's painful! Last week the Federal Reserve pumped about $23-billion into the marketplace, flooding the zone with dollars, hoping they will be loaned out by American banks. That puts us all in danger because the more dollars in circulation, the less the currency we have in our wallet is worth. So while we have a lemming-like press braying over Romney being insensitive, the man is telling the absolute truth. The government is broke and now they're manipulating the dollar in order to pay the bills. That's economically insane, that's Greece! Americans should wise up: If you're on the dole, other people have to pick up your tab, and there aren't enough 'other people' to do that."

Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer entered the No Spin Zone and critiqued the Talking Points Memo. "If Romney had said what you just said instead of what he said," Dr. K declared, "he'd be President. What you presented is the guts of his case, which is a winning argument that Obama is turning America into a welfare state. But he said the 47% of Americans who aren't paying income tax consider themselves 'victims,' which is not a very smart thing to say and it's not even accurate. You don't win an election by disparaging half the electorate, and the only way out of this is to pivot away and go after Obama with an attack on welfare." The Factor urged Governor Romney to forcefully argue that "we are heading toward economic Armageddon if we don't stop it right now."
Top Story
The left reacts to Romney's entitlement nation comments
Guests: Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes

Left-wing pundits and the mainstream media, pardon the redundancy, have been savaging Mitt Romney for his frank talk about America's entitlement culture. Fox News analysts Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley joined the argument. "The attitude comes off as insensitive," Colmes said, "and it's not Barack Obama who did this. Romney was wrong on the numbers and he disparaged half the American people. Most of the people who want help and get help are in and out of the system in a short period of time, and most people want to work, they don't want to sit and collect money." Crowley put forth a far different opinion. "This administration has made a deliberate attempt to get as many people dependent on the government as possible. The ultimate objective of that is to create a permanent Democratic voting majority. If people can vote themselves freebies, goodies, and a raise from the U.S. Treasury, they will. That's human nature."
Stossel Matters Segment
A debate on minimum wage
Guests: John Stossel

During a discussion on poverty last week, The Factor contended that an increase in the minimum wage, combined with tax credits for employers, could help alleviate poverty. Fox Business host John Stossel entered the No Spin Zone with his libertarian perspective. "My purpose in life is to teach you how ignorant you are about what you think you can design," Stossel declared. "This complicates life because you have to go hire some lawyer to try to understand the tax credits. Also, you'd never hire some entry-level kid for $16 an hour to learn on the job. The minimum wage cuts off opportunity, you don't give a guy a chance if the government sets a limit. It kills jobs and jobs don't get created." The Factor countered that without a minimum wage, "There is an exploitative situation in some businesses where they'll take advantage of people who are uneducated or don't speak the language well."
Impact Segment
DOJ working with Media Matters to spin press
Guests: Tucker Carlson

The conservative Daily Caller has obtained emails indicating close cooperation between the Department of Justice and the far-left website Media Matters. The Factor explored the situation with Daily Caller editor-in-chief Tucker Carlson. "We got over 70 pages of emails between spokesmen at the Department of Justice and Media Matters," Carlson reported. "They discussed programming on Fox News, pieces in the Daily Caller, and other journalism they believe is critical of certain Justice Department programs. It is very clear that the Justice Department is coordinating with Media Matters to create propaganda. These documents are damning!" The Factor minced no words when describing Media Matters: "I think they are dishonest smear merchants, and the fact that they operate on my tax dollar is a disgrace."
'Is it Legal?' Segment
Kate Middleton wins photo ban in France
Guests: Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle

A paparazzo managed to snap photographs of a topless Kate Middleton while she was vacationing in France. Fox News legal analysts Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle explained the legal ramifications. "These photos are all over the Internet," Guilfoyle said, "and the family has prevailed against the French magazine that bought the photos, which has been ordered to turn them over immediately. You can't use high powered lenses to intrude and invade." Wiehl added that France affords celebrities like Middleton greater privacy than the U.S. "The law is so different in France, the right to privacy is so much tighter than in this country. France also has a criminal provision and the criminal code is very plain." The Factor empathized with the royal family, saying, "I feel bad for Kate Middleton, and these scummy paparazzi are the worst."
Back of Book Segment
Jon Stewart in the No Spin Zone!
Guests: Jon Stewart

It is a duel more anticipated than Pacquiao vs. Mayweather or Frazier vs. Ali. On October 6th in Washington, Bill and Jon Stewart will square off in 'The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium.' Stewart entered the No Spin Zone to engage in some pre-fight banter. "The reason I'm doing this," he quipped, "is very similar to Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. I sense that there is still good in you, I sense that you can be saved, and it is my job to bring you back from the dark side. When I'm done with you, you'll be 5'7" and I'll be 6'4"." For information about the big event, which will be streamed live over the Internet, visit www.therumble2012.com.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Chet Tyson, St. Cloud, FL: "If the majority of Muslims are peace-loving, why aren't they out demonstrating against the violence of a few?"

Roger Purcell, Weetangera, Australia: "The P-C police keep telling us not to blame all Muslims because of the actions of a few. Who will tell Muslims not to blame America for the action of one guy?"

Peter Wolf, Lake Forest, CA: "Bill, you should have scolded Jesse Watters for insulting the two Russian models by telling them we won the Cold War. That was immature on his part."

Jeff Nauman, Lynn Haven, FL: "Bill, your insinuation that wealthy people should not be spending lavishly in troubled times is anti-capitalist."
Tip Of The Day
The Karma of Kindness
If you can make somebody feel better by an action or a word or a surprise gift, do it! The kinder you are, the better life you will have.