Thursday, June 14, 2012
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Is the fix in regarding national security leaks?
Guests: Megyn Kelly

"As you know, we're not in business to 'small-ball' Barack Obama - we don't nitpick, we don't play 'gotcha' with the President. But now something has arisen that is very disturbing and it directly involves the President and his beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder. There's no question that someone in the Obama administration is leaking national security secrets to the New York Times, the best example being a Times article on how the USA is conducting espionage against Iranian nuclear facilities. Under pressure, the Obama administration has announced it will investigate the leaks and has appointed two U.S. Attorneys - Rod Rosenstein and Ronald Machen. The problem with Machen is that he has given money to Barack Obama, has worked on his campaign, and owes his career to the man. I mean, c'mon! If the fix isn't in on that appointment, there's no such thing as a fix. It's unbelievable and it's arrogant! This is shades of Richard Nixon, who tried to get away with Watergate by having his cronies investigate. Talking Points is not equating today's national security leaks with Watergate, but the investigation blueprint is the same as Nixon's. President Obama has to realize that he's in trouble, so he can't afford a scandal of any kind. Every fair-minded person knows an independent counsel needs to be appointed to look at the leaks, and that person should come from outside the government."

For more on the story, The Factor turned to FNC anchor and attorney Megyn Kelly. "There's a question about whether Machen is objective when it comes to President Obama," Kelly said, "who he has described as a 'legend.' He was one of the first donors to his Senatorial campaign and his Presidential campaign. The other investigator is a Republican, so there's a question about whether these are the right guys to perform a truly independent investigation. But an independent counsel would take years to get to the bottom of this, it would be long after the next presidential election." The Factor reiterated that the U.S. Attorneys are unsuited for the job, saying, "They are not the right guys if you want an aggressive and fair investigation."
Impact Segment
Weather Channel anchor says she was fired over military service
Guests: Nicole Mitchell

Meteorologist Nicole Mitchell claims she was fired by The Weather Channel at least partly because she serves in the Air Force Reserve. The Factor asked Mitchell whether she can prove her allegation. "Not only were there verbal incidents," she replied, "but there were also schedule changes when I couldn't come in on military weekends. I was asked a lot of questions about how much time off they had to give me, and I was asked to come in on weekends when they knew I had military duty. I also have emails, so when you look at the overall picture it's clear that my contract renewal was biased." The Factor reported that the Weather Channel is partly owned by NBC Universal: "If you were working for the Fox News Channel I can assure you that they wouldn't be giving you a hard time because of your military obligation, but NBC has a reputation of being a very liberal network."
Campaign 2012 Segment
What is the Romney campaign doing wrong?
Guests: Karl Rove

The Factor invited Republican and former Bush aide Karl Rove to assess the weaknesses in Mitt Romney's campaign thus far. "The main problem," Rove said, "is how the Romney campaign is responding to the Obama narrative that he is a 'vampire capitalist' and untrustworthy of being in the Oval Office. I also think it was a mistake to have their vice presidential prospects like Marco Rubio campaign with him. It trivialized the process and makes it look like everything depends on how well you perform for 30 minutes on the stump. Are we going to have eight or nine people go out and campaign with Mitt Romney? No, you want the focus to be on your message - you want to spend your time talking about how you're going to create jobs and how you're going to put our fiscal house in order. But overall the Romney campaign has been very smart and very adroit."
Campaign 2012 Segment II
What is the Obama campaign doing wrong?
Guests: Bob Beckel

Since turnabout is fair (and balanced) play, The Factor asked Democrat Bob Beckel to identify problem areas in the Obama campaign. "The economy overwhelms everything for Obama," Beckel said, "and he should continue blame Bush because of the 'hangover effect.' If you ask people who they blame, Bush still scores fairly high. The other thing the Obama campaign should do is get him off the air, he has too much exposure." Beckel also advised President Obama to ignore Republican calls to fire Attorney General Eric Holder. "Do you think people in Middle America wake up and say Eric Holder is driving me crazy? Nobody cares, and I've never seen a presidential election go on the basis of a cabinet member."
Culture Warriors Segment
CDC: More teens now smoke pot than cigarettes
Guests: Gretchen Carlson and Jeanine Pirro

Culture Warriors Jeanne Pirro and Gretchen Carlson reacted to a new government report showing that more teens are smoking marijuana than cigarettes. "I was stunned," Pirro began, "but every young person that I've spoken with is not surprised at all. I think this is attributable to two things - one is that we card young kids who want to buy cigarettes, and we as a society have created this image that cigarettes are dangerous and cause cancer. Young kids think grass is not as dangerous as tobacco." Carlson credited the drop in cigarette use to incessant advertising about the danger of tobacco. "In the 1990's, 70% of all kids said they had tried cigarettes; in the 2000's, after the major messaging campaign, it went down to 45%. So there's hope here if we do the same thing for marijuana." But The Factor reminded the Warriors that a comparable anti-pot campaign is unlikely because "the people who make the messages like marijuana, they smoke it themselves."
Back of Book Segment
Great American News Quiz: The John Wayne Edition
Guests: Martha MacCallum and Steve Doocy

The Factor, putting on his quizmaster's hat, tested Steve Doocy and Martha MacCallum on their knowledge of John Wayne. Among the questions: "What was John Wayne's real name?" ... "How did 'The Duke' get his famous nickname?" ... "What 1956 John Wayne movie is called one of the worst films of all time?" ... "What was the name of John Wayne's last movie, released in 1976?" MacCallum won by a single point, then sauntered off into the sunset.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Joanne Scichilone, New York, NY: "Amazing speech at the Wellesley High School graduation. My children understand that the only ones who think they are special are their parents and God. They know they must earn their way."

Karen Neal, Fairplay, CO: "O'Reilly, I've done nothing but complain about you in the past. But you're right on the public school deal."

Joel Wisotsky, East Setaucket, NY: "As a retired teacher with 38 years on the job, I believe political correctness is destroying the system."

John Inzalaco, Fairfield, CA: "Bill, I can't believe you and Miller scoffed at the idea of an ice cream sundae covered with bacon. Bacon goes with anything."
Pinheads and Patriots
Thursday's Pinhead: Aging rapper Ice-T, who claimed rap music "brought the races together and put Barack Obama in the presidency."