Wednesday, January 6, 2010
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Will al-Qaeda destroy the Obama administration?
"Some conservatives are saying President Obama doesn't take terrorism seriously enough, but that's not the case any longer. Yesterday the President was deadly serious about stopping any more terror attacks against Americans. Mr. Obama's a smart guy and he knows he has three strikes against him. When a Muslim terrorist killed a soldier in Arkansas, the press pretty much ignored it; then came the Fort Hood massacre, which the President never called an act of terrorism; and when the underwear bomber struck on Christmas, the President initially called him an 'isolated extremist.' That's three strikes in six months and now there's trouble in the air. The perception is many quarters is that the Obama administration cares more about the rights of terrorists than protecting the American people. That may not be fair, but the perception is out there. Talking Points has said the President is making a big mistake by trying foreign terrorists in civilian courts, by outlawing coerced interrogation, and by giving the world the perception that America's war on terror is not a noble undertaking. The issue of terrorism could bring down the Obama administration; one more successful attack on this country and all hell will break loose."
Top Story
Obama's approval ratings wavering
The Factor welcomed political strategist Dick Morris, who disagreed with the final contention of the Talking Points Memo. "It's not one more attack and he's out," Morris said, "but a series of attacks will be very serious for him. The perception would grow that Obama is too weak. The fascinating thing about this is that it takes place at a time when he has made such a big deal over talking to the 'Muslim street,' over opening America to Islam, and being effective to the Arab community. That is being shown as being completely ineffectual." The Factor reiterated that President Obama is one attack away from losing mass support: "To protect Americans from killers is not ideological, and we now have three attacks on American soil in six months. There hasn't been an outcry, but if there is one more attack and there are dead American children it will ruin the Obama administration."

Professor Marc Lamont Hill, an Obama supporter, entered the No Spin Zone with his analysis of the President's middling approval ratings. "His poll numbers aren't low because of his treatment of the war on terror," Hill said. "He's been tough enough, he's gotten more intense and more stern and people like his response. In the long term, a large chunk of the American people will appreciate the civilian court process." The Factor asked Hill how he squares the humanitarian treatment of suspected terrorists with the President's approval of drone bombing attacks in Pakistan. "I'll concede that there's a contradiction," Hill replied, "between some of his military actions abroad and what he's doing domestically with civilian trials. As a leftist I've always had a problem with what he's been doing abroad. If anything, you'll see the President's polls go down because those of us on the left see him sending drones and ramping up troops in Afghanistan."
Personal Story Segment
USA named 7th best place to live on Earth
A new survey ranks France as the world's most desirable place to live, with America in 7th place. The Factor asked British radio talk show host Neil Sean why France is widely viewed as an earthly paradise. "France is seen as a country of elegance and chic sophistication," Sean said, "and there has also been the emergence of a relatively good-looking president and his stunning ex-model wife. France really does look after its people and the younger generation is more Westernized and warmer." Sean then surmised why the U.S. has slipped from 3rd place to 7th. "There were so many great things expected of President Obama - it was almost like he's Superman and he's going to save the world. When that doesn't happen, there is an anti-climax." The Factor concluded that "it's ironic that the United States scored higher under President Bush, who was loathed by many in Europe."
Body Language Segment
Nancy Pelosi's secret health care hearings
Body language analyst Tonya Reiman began with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who evaded a question about secretive health care negotiations. "She lost her composure completely," Reiman asserted. "You know that because she touched her neck and she pretended to look around as the question was asked. Then she pulled away and closed her eyes for an extended time, showing she was not happy about the question. She always has a disconnect between her verbals and her non-verbals." Reiman also watched far-left Congressman Alan Grayson implicitly comparing Dick Cheney with Satan. "I see a real look of anger in his forehead and condescension in his mouth. He really doesn't like Cheney."
Miller Time Segment
Dennis Miller on the underwear bomber
Dennis Miller entered the No Spin Zone with his brief on "undiebomber" Umar Abdulmutallab and the initial response by Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano. "How could she say the system worked?" Miller mused. "Imagine uttering those words after a passenger had to tackle a guy who was trying to shoot a syringe of explosives into his underwear. I just don't think that she's that smart, and I think you can take that up the ladder. President Obama might be smart, but I'm not sure he's wise. There's some stupid stuff going on. Why is this guy, who is not a U.S. citizen, in our court system getting all the rights accorded to us?" Miller disagreed with The Factor's contention that the attack was amateurish. "When you take a Nigerian kid," Miller argued, "and send him over to Amsterdam, and get him on a plane to the United States in the exact seat you want him, if you're going to say that's 'Ted Mack's Amateur Hour,' I have to depart from you there. That is spooky close to pulling it off."
Back of Book Segment
Did you see that?
Fox News anchor Jane Skinner watched footage of an NPR animation mocking the "tea party" protesters. "This is clearly labeled as 'opinion' on their website," Skinner reported. "The guy who does these cartoons is a political satirist who admits that he's left-of-center. They're not attempting to be fair and balanced." The Factor registered this objection: "The problem is that some of my money and your money is going to fund NPR, and if it's going to be a left-wing deal I think that's wrong."
Pinheads and Patriots
Kevin Bacon & Mariah Carey
Wednesday's Patriot: Actor Kevin Bacon, who is being honored for his humanitarian work. And the Pinhead: Singer Mariah Carey, who seemed to be more than a bit tipsy at an awards show this week.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Barbara Bass, Simi Valley, CA: "I don't know if Monica Crowley's assertion that Barack Obama's progressive ideology trumps effective anti-terror policy is correct. I certainly hope not ... I was disappointed, however, that the President did not react more emotionally to the terror attacks."

Ed Duffey, Hampton, VA: "O'Reilly, your talking points were right on. We are reacting to terror rather than being on the offensive."

M.G. MacLaren, Tomah, WI: "Bill, I know these judges who are lenient with child sexual predators are driving you crazy. Maybe they sympathize with them."

Valerie Brunso, Carmel, IN: "Bill, I admire how the Factor team is confronting these judges. Keep up the good work!"