Thursday, August 14, 2008
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Will Russia/Georgia impact the election?
"John McCain and Barack Obama have issued new statements on Russia's invasion of Georgia. Senator Obama urged a Security Council resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence. Senator McCain spoke of 'America's advocacy for democracy and freedom.' There are two schools of thought here. First, the United States must confront Putin and make it painful for him to dismantle Georgia. The second opinion is that America should let the world community handle the situation. Putin has spit in the eye of President Bush, there's no question about that. Russia must take comfort from NBC News, which once again seems to be showing sympathy for the bad guys. Brian Williams said the conflict 'does not lend itself exactly to white hats or black hats.' Another NBC commentator actually blamed the USA for helping Georgia become democratic, calling it a 'provocation.' With a network like NBC, Vladimir Putin has a fifth column right here in the USA. But most Americans understand that Putin is a villain intent on imposing Russian influence on border countries. The question is, which presidential candidate will most effectively deal with Putin? Yet another decision for the American voter to make."

The Factor was joined by former Bush advisor Karl Rove, who analyzed the Russia-Georgia crisis. "I don't think Putin spit in the eye of President Bush," Rove argued. "But he threw down the gauntlet to the West and to NATO and the U.S., saying he was intent on reestablishing Russian control over the Caucasus and the old Soviet empire in central Europe. This is going to be a clarifying act for the Europeans, who will see the brutality of this regime." The Factor reminded Rove that President Bush tried mightily to befriend Vladimir Putin. "In response to Bush's generosity of spirit, Putin sells missiles to Iran and does this invasion, which is an attempt to bring down a freely elected government. He doesn't respect President Bush and he's taunting America."

News Link: Bush warns Russia

Returning for a second segment, Karl Rove - now a Fox News advisor - suggested that John McCain is benefitting from the conflict in the Caucasus. "Senator McCain has a specific set of steps he has outlined; he's stronger and more sure-footed." Rove also reluctantly offered his vice presidential predictions. "It makes a lot of sense for John McCain to pick Mitt Romney. Obama may pick a 'red state' senator like Evan Bayh or Claire McCaskill, or maybe Joe Biden who would give him foreign policy credibility." The Factor predicted that Obama will select Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, while McCain will go with Romney.

News Link: Rove sees 4 key battleground states
The Kelly File Segment
Texas to execute getaway car driver
FNC anchor and legal wizard Megyn Kelly began with the case of Caylee Anthony, the 2-year old Florida girl who vanished two months ago. Kelly reported that investigators are building a case against Caylee's mother Casey. "They are analyzing a stain found in the trunk of the car," Kelly said. "If that was blood it will really help the investigation. And they have hair from the trunk that they think was Caylee's. They can tell whether the child was dead or alive when that hair came out, and that could seal the deal." Kelly also opined on a case in Texas where a man is on death row after driving the getaway car in a robbery. "Two guys went to a convenience store, one went in with a gun and shot the clerk between the eyes. I have no sympathy for the getaway driver - the rules say if you commit a felony and a murder occurs, you're responsible for murder." Finally, Kelly applauded the jury ruling in favor of Victoria Osteen, who was sued for allegedly assaulting a flight attendant. "The jury saw right through this ridiculous story. This flight attendant wanted millions for what she said was an elbow to the breast that led to hemorrhoids."

News Link: Jury rejects assault charge against Osteen's wife
Personal Story Segment
Paul Newman in failing health
Amid reports that 83-year old Paul Newman is gravely ill, The Factor welcomed entertainment reporter Eddy Friedfeld, who described Newman's appeal: "Paul Newman could play a pool hustler, a hockey player, a lawyer, even a car, and he found the humanity in every role. Even in movies where he's supposed to be a bad guy, you're cheering for him. And every time you see a scene with Newman and another actor, he makes the other actor give a much greater performance." The Factor lauded Newman for his talent, character and good works. "Paul Newman is one of the best American actors of all time, a leading man who was also willing to be a character actor. Our prayers are with Mr. Newman and his family."

News Link: Paul Newman gets dire prognosis
Weekdays with Bernie & Jane Segment
Analyzing Rev. Pfleger's speech
Radical Chicago priest Michael Pfleger, former advisor to Barack Obama, recently said this to a convention of journalists: "How the hell is Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly shaping media direction in America today? That's scaring me." The Factor asked FNC analysts Bernie Goldberg and Jane Hall about the media's handling of Pfleger. "You don't see Pfleger on the networks," Goldberg said, "and you don't see Reverend Wright. They want Barack Obama to win, and that's why they downplay the story." But Hall generally defended the networks' coverage of Pfleger and Wright. "The broadcast networks were slow to cover this, but to be fair, some people on Fox played it endlessly. And it was ABC that broke the Reverend Wright footage." On another subject, Goldberg put forth a controversial proposition: "I don't think Elizabeth Edwards is the saint the media has made her out to be. In 2006 she knew about the affair, but did she ever say to her husband that he shouldn't run for president? Nobody wants to go after her because they feel sorry for her." Hall responded with indignation: "Frankly, Bernie, there is such misogyny out there and you've just sort of blamed Elizabeth Edwards for this."

News Link: Study: Media covered up Rev. Wright's extremism
Back of Book Segment
Reality Check: McCain, Obama and oil
A new Obama video spot calls John McCain "ExxonJohn," and accuses McCain of favoring massive tax breaks for big oil. The Factor offered this reality check: "Oil companies have given McCain three times as much as they've given Obama because McCain is for more drilling. McCain wants to cut taxes across the board, not just for oil concerns." To the north, American military deserter Jeremy Hinzman is being sent back by Canadian authorities. The Factor's reality check: "Hinzman faces five years in prison, and 'Check' is glad Canada did the right thing." Finally, The Factor aired clips from a movie called "An American Carol," which opens in October. The comedy takes aim at the far left in general, Michael Moore in particular, and includes a cameo appearance by a certain humble correspondent.

News Link: Video: ExxonJohn

NewsLink:US Army deserter ordered deported from Canada

News Link: O'Reilly appears in political comedy
Pinheads and Patriots
The Who & Ed Asner
Thursday's Patriots: The Who, whose members are giving all proceeds from an upcoming concert to a food bank. And the Pinhead: Actor Ed Asner, who wants to reopen the 9/11 investigation, implying that it may have been an "inside job." Nominate a Pinhead or a Patriot by sending an email to

News Link: 'The Who' donates to charity

News Link: Ed Asner wants 9/11 reinvestigated
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
A sampling of your recent e-mails:

Joanna Madison, Carollton, MO: "Surprise, surprise, Bill O'Reilly selectively picks some random comments to prove how hateful some leftwing website is, while ignoring hate on rightwing websites like 'Free Republic.'"

Bill Green, Florida: "When Tony Snow died I posted nice comments about him on AOL. I was shocked by the hateful responses I received."

Jerry Stapleton, Richmond Hill, GA: "Bill, after hearing your report, I visited the Huffington Post and saw that some bloggers were saying you are responsible for murder."

Richard Tompkins, Boca Raton, FL: "I looked up the word 'misanthrope' and the bloggers on the DailyKos are just that."