Bill O'Reilly
Douglas MacArthur, the American Caesar
1. On March 17, 1942, General Douglas MacArthur arrived where to take over as supreme commander of the Allied forces in the southwest Pacific theater?
2. Douglas MacArthur's father, Arthur MacArthur, served as military governor of what country during the Spanish American War?
3. Douglas MacArthur was named superintendent of which school after leaving World War I as one of the Army's most decorated soldiers?
4. MacArthur was named Chief of Staff of the Army by which president?
5. MacArthur was driven out of what country by the Japanese in 1942?
6. MacArthur liberated the Philippines in what year?
7. MacArthur oversaw the occupation of what country after World War II?
8. In 1950, MacArthur was again put in charge of a coalition of troops in what country?
9. MacArthur was removed of his command in 1951, by which president?
10. The MacArthurs were the first father and son duo to receive which award?

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Love him or hate him, American five-star general and Douglas MacArthur left a huge mark on the country and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II. Take the quiz to learn more.