Bill O'Reilly
Lyndon Baines Johnson
1. Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on August 27, 1908, in what state?
2. Johnson served in both the House and the Senate. His service was interrupted by a decision to do what?
3. Johnson became Senate Minority Leader in 1953, making him what?
4. Johnson became President of the United States on what day?
5. Johnson was the only president to have what?
6. President Johnson used the momentum of his first term to pass what key piece of legislation that had been championed by President Kennedy?
7. During his second term in office, Johnson pushed a legislative agenda known as the what?
8. Johnson shocked the nation and his party in 1968 by deciding what?
9. All four members of Johnson's family shared the same what?
10. Johnson used what as his Oval Office chair?

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In honor of the birthday of the 36th president of the United States, take a crack at O'Reilly's History Quiz and learn some more about LBJ in the process.