Bill O'Reilly
Test Your Knowledge of President Rutherford B. Hayes
1. Rutherford B. Hayes was born on October 4, 1822, and became the only president whose election was decided by whom?
2. Hayes was the first president to take the oath of office where?
3. What was banned in the White House during the Hayes Administration?
4. One of the hallmarks of the Hayes Administration was changing how civil-service appointments were made. Hayes wanted them made based on what?
5. Lucy Webb Hayes was the first president's wife to do what?
6. Hayes won his first election to the House of Representatives without ever having to do what?
7. President Hayes was the only U.S. president who fought in the Civil War to have what happened to him?
8. This White House tradition was started in the Hayes administration, presumably because the Hayes had eight children?
9. Lucy Hayes was the first wife of a U.S. president to be addressed as what?
10. Progress in technology at the end of the nineteenth century meant that Hayes was the first president to have what in the White House?

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Rutherford B. Hayes was born on October 4, 1822, and became the only president whose election was decided by whom?

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