Bill O'Reilly
How Well Do You Know 28th President Woodrow Wilson?
1. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856, in what state?
2. Wilson was president of what university before entering politics?
3. What is the only political office Wilson held before he was elected president?
4. Wilson was the second Democrat to take the White House since what event?
5. Wilson is considered a progressive reformer, in part, because he helped pass what act, which still provides the framework for our system?
6. A progressive in many ways, Wilson was at first staunchly against many causes associated with early 20th century reform, including which one that eventually ended in the 19th Amendment?
7. Wilson was initially a firm believer in American neutrality during World War I, but what event led to the U.S. entering the war in 1917?
8. Wilson tried to establish what precursor to the United Nations in 1919?
9. Wilson won what award for his peacemaking efforts?
10. Who is believed to have run the White House in the last two years of Wilson's presidency?

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Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856, in what state?

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