Bill O'Reilly
2016 Year End News Quiz
1. In his upset victory, Donald Trump flipped numerous states that Barack Obama had carried in 2012. Which was not among them?
2. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was awarded with which posthumous honor in September?
3. According to a new census, which nation's population is actually shrinking?
4. In which state did Donald Trump win every single county, all 77 of them?
5. Of the major polls, which one consistently predicted a Donald Trump victory?
6. Former Attorney General Janet Reno died in November age 78. Which of these did not occur during her long tenure?
7. Reince Priebus, who will be Donald Trump's White House chief of staff, once held which political office?
8. Which infamous inmate was released in September?
9. The late musician Prince, renowned as one of the world's great guitarists, also played which other instrument?
10. Black Lives Matter held a protest in August outside the former home of which deceased singer?
11. When all the electoral votes were finally counted, Donald Trump finished with 304, while Hillary Clinton had 227. Who was third?
12. When the Obama administration shipped $400-million to Iran in January, the loot was sent in what form?
13. The location of Barack Obama's official presidential library has been settled. Where will it be?
14. According to Secretary of State John Kerry, who or what is as big a threat as ISIS?
15. Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, is CEO of which oil company?
16. The final one was manufactured this past summer. What?
17. Which Supreme Court justice apologized in July for his or her intemperate comments?
18. When he died in February, Antonin Scalia was with members of the International Order of St. Hubertus. The exclusive club meets to partake in what activity?
19. When FBI Director James Comey delineated Hillary Clinton's misdeeds in his famous July press conference, he used what term to describe her behavior?
20. Former TV talk show host Billy Bush, who was on the receiving end of Donald Trump's vulgar talk in 2005, is what relation to George W. Bush?
21. Melania Trump will be the first First Lady born outside the USA since Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams. In which nation was Mrs. Trump born?
22. Which major European capital now has a Muslim mayor?
23. New York City's leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio actually urged city residents to avoid a particular retail outlet. Which?
24. Larry Wilmore, while hosting the White House Correspondents' Dinner, referred to whom with the 'N' word?
25. Which cable network signed off in April for the last time?
26. Which gossip site went belly-up and vanished in August?
27. The Democratic Party platform called for what?
28. The late astronaut John Glenn flew 149 combat missions in World War II and Korea. Which baseball star was frequently his co-pilot?
29. After Fidel Castro's death in November, the leader of which Western nation praised the tyrant for his 'tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people?'
30. James Mattis, who will run the Department of Defense, served in which branch of the military?
31. A top official at National Public Radio suggested that the taxpayer-funded network stop doing live interviews with whom?
32. Donald Trump has asked which Fox News analyst to join his administration?
33. Michael Cimino, who died in July, won an Oscar in 1978 for 'The Deer Hunter.' He later directed which notorious flop?
34. Which movie figure met with Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman while the drug lord was a fugitive in Mexico.
35. ESPN fired baseball analyst Curt Schilling, accusing him of writing negative comments about which group?
36. Who did not moderate one of the three presidential debates?
37. Michelle Obama urged Americans to stop drinking what?
38. Which famous advertising character was retired in 2016?
39. Who was the first United States Senator to board the Trump Train?
40. Hillary Clinton made her notorious 'basket of deplorables' remark at a September fundraiser in New York City as she was introducing which singer?
41. Hillary Clinton distanced herself from many policies enacted by her husband in the 90s. Which was a notable exception?
42. In February, an MSNBC host walked off his or her show, which was promptly canceled. Who?
43. Katie Couric, working way under the radar for Yahoo, was accused of manipulating footage to advance a liberal agenda on which issue?
44. A CEO told his shareholders that if they oppose gay marriage they should just sell their stock. He runs which company?
45. The federal government dispatched emergency assistance to Flint, Michigan, which faced what type of crisis?
46. The World Health Organization has declared which disease eliminated from North, Central, and South America?
47. Which European leader's approval rating has plummeted beneath 10%?
48. The golfer Arnold Palmer, who died in September at age 87, won all of the sport's four major championships except which?
49. Which baseball announcer called his final game after being in the broadcast booth for a remarkable 67 years?
50. Fox News celebrated its 20th birthday in 2016. Which of the following hosts was not an original when the channel was launched on October 7th, 1996?

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Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this year?

46 - 50 In the currency of knowledge, you are wealthier than Trump.
36 - 45 You're well-informed but also have a life away from the machines.
26 - 35 Nothing at all to be ashamed of. Then again, not much to be proud of.
10 - 25 If we were politically correct here, you would get a nice trophy for effort.
0 - 9 You spent way too little time in the No Spin Zone. Pay us a visit next year.