News Quiz
News Quiz: Zuckerbucks, WSJ Poll, & Tiger Woods
This week's News Quiz includes hate speech, swing states, and a hungry Tiger.
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1. Last week Israel mistakenly killed seven Gaza aid workers who were with World Central Kitchen, an organization founded by which famous chef?
2. According to a much-publicized Wall Street Journal poll, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in six of seven swing states. Which is the exception?
3. Voters in which state approved a referendum banning 'Zuckerbucks,' the practice in which wealthy private citizens help fund state elections?
4. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has declared that which Eastern European nation will definitely join NATO?
5. Which prominent Democrat once spoke out forcefully against illegal immigration?
6. Which state just recriminalized drug possession after an epidemic of overdose deaths and substance abuse problems?
7. Meanwhile, which UK country passed a law banning speech that might 'stir up hatred?'
8. The Biden administration is preparing to issue a ban on which tobacco product?
9. In order to focus on the upcoming Masters Tournament, Tiger Woods has reportedly given up what?
10. Under pressure from animal rights activists, New York City is considering a ban on the use of which rat control method?