News Quiz
News Quiz: SNL, Super Bowl, & Biden's Memory
This week's News Quiz includes some aging politicians and a late, great country star.
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1. Special counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute Joe Biden for mishandling of classified documents. Why?
2. Last week Nevada held a non-binding Republican primary that did not include Donald Trump. Who got the most votes?
3. Which Republican Senator says the time has come for Mitch McConnell to step down as minority leader?
4. Country star Toby Keith, who died last week at age 62, recorded many patriotic songs. Which of these was NOT one of his?
5. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin wants which Supreme Court Justice to recuse himself from any case involving Donald Trump?
6. In yet another lapse, Joe Biden claimed to have had a recent conversation with which long-deceased world leader?
7. Prior to this year, who was the last sitting president to skip the traditional interview on Super Bowl Sunday?
8. A race-baiting TV host got a rude surprise last week upon learning that he or she is descended from slaveholders. Who?
9. Saturday Night Live will soon be hosted by a comedian who was fired from the show for making 'homophobic' jokes. Who?
10. Donald Trump is going to bat for which troubled American brand?