News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

Try to beat last week's 5.3 average!
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1. Which Middle East nation objected to last week's Tomahawk missile strike against Syria?
2. Syria's air force has numerous bases throughout the country. Which one was the target?
3. Last week President Trump hosted the leaders of various nations. Who was not among them?
4. Two Coptic Christian churches were bombed in Egypt Sunday, killing dozens. Copts make up approximately what percentage of Egypt's population?
5. Who is now the oldest sitting Supreme Court justice?
6. Who has just joined the National Security Council's principals committee, which advises the president?
7. President Trump donated his first three months of salary to which government organization?
8. One television host actually implied that Vladimir Putin may have masterminded the events in Syria last week. Who?
9. Embattled former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, accused of improperly 'unmasking' Americans, gave a TV interview last week to whom?
10. Comedian Don Rickles, who died last week at age 90, appeared more than 100 times on which TV show?

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