Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
1. At least five Republicans say they will not vote for the current Senate health care proposal. Who is not among them?
2. Of those holdouts, which GOP Senator is considered a near-certain 'nay' vote?
3. Who is Mohammed bin Salman?
4. President Trump held a large rally last Wednesday in which Iowa City?
5. Despite a call for more civil discourse after the recent political shooting, who referred to the GOP as "the death party?"
6. The Democratic Party has lost special House elections in four states in recent months. Which is not among them?
7. The CEO of which high tech company was unceremoniously dumped last week?
8. Far-left MSNBC has hired a conservative to host a show on Sunday morning. Who?
9. Which Trump cabinet member got married Saturday?
10. The tallest building west of the Mississippi opened last week. Where is it?

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