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Yes, it's Miller Time: Preview Bill's conversation with Dennis Miller
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
Check out this preview of Bill's conversation with Dennis Miller, aliases The D-Man and The Sage of Southern California, coming in tomorrow's No Spin News.

Miller called in to survey the current political scene. He began by tearing apart the so-called "resistance" movement that objects to anything and everything said and done by Donald Trump.

"You know what I've told you, Billy," he began. "I stay in the compound and occasionally I put on an incognito outfit and go out for some Mint Milanos. So I don't run into people out here. But as far as the resistance goes, I used to find it merely irksome, but now it's become unhinged. We live in the era of violent pacifists and malevolent do-gooders."

Miller lamented that the Trump-loathers will never, ever give up, whatever the results of this ongoing Russia investigation (or Russia "matter.") "Even Chris Matthews has deemed the 'Russian collusion' thing dead," Miller observed, "so I thought that maybe now they'll start saying Trump is an ISIS fighter. But then I realized that they can't say he's an ISIS fighter because they'd then have to give him a complete pass."
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Duration: 4:54
Download Size: 8 MB
Track Date: 7 AM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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