'Tis The Season
By: BillOReilly.com Staff Thursday, December 14, 2006
Well, the Supreme Court punted. The justices were supposed to decide weeks ago whether or not to hear a blatant example of anti-Christian bias in New York City. But still no decision.

The case concerns a policy by the New York City public schools to allow displays of the Star and Crescent flag for Ramadan and the Menorah for Hanukkah, but to ban the Nativity scene at Christmas time. The decision makes no legal sense, as the federal courts have previously ruled that so-called "religious" displays can appear on public property, as long as there is no preference given to one religion over another.

As one of the lead players in defending the traditions of Christmas in the public arena, I must say that I am tired of it all. It's just so dumb. There is no need to deny students a Nativity display. Don't they get enough bad stuff? How about some nice stuff? I mean, how threatening and offensive can a baby, two loving parents, and three wise men really be?

All the polls say that most Americans believe as I do: That the traditional signs of Christmas are a good thing. So leave them alone, okay?

The Supreme Court, of course, could have made things a lot easier by taking the case, discussing it for ten minutes, then ruling that New York City school officials are crazy. Would that be so hard to do?

But no, the Supreme Court justices are now on their Christmas break, and have left the country adrift once again. The anti-Christmas forces are still clinging to the bogus separation of church and state argument that does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he would mock these secular fools and then retire to his Virginia estate for Christmas dinner.

The good news is that despite the cowardice of many public officials and the anti-Christian bias of many in the media, the forces of Christmas cheer are winning in America. Most retail stores are saying "Merry Christmas" again, and the ACLU can't stop them.

Again, all of this is so stupid it hurts. With so much strife and evil in the world, why can't we have a celebration that honors a baby who grew up to espouse "love your neighbor as yourself?" So what if it has spiritual overtones? Why can't we introduce children to Judeo-Christian philosophy in a joyful way? Everything about Christmas is positive except the commercialism. And even that can be beneficial if resources are redirected to the poor.

Here's the bottom line: If you're offended by Christmas, you have a problem. See somebody or tough it out. But enough with the petty nonsense. When Christmas images have to be decided by the Supreme Court, you know things are out of control.

So give Jesus a break, enjoy the season no matter how you celebrate it, and be thankful you live in a country where the philosophy of peace on earth, good will toward all people is honored with a federal holiday.

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