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Update on the Contagion; Debunking the Internet Rumor Mill; Biden's Debate Performance
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, March 16, 2020. Fight for your freedom - and for your health.

Tonight's rundown:

- States begin navigating ways to stop the spread of the contagion-here's what's happening across the nation

- The social implications of this contagion and who is most vulnerable in our society

- The rumor mill of the Coronavirus

-Reviewing the debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden-it's all over for Sanders

- Joe Biden's shift from moderate to far-left and how this will be his downfall

- Bill's Final Thought on test of character

In Case You Missed it:

- Read Bill's latest column on the contagion-'It's Sick'

- Buy any in-stock hardcover book and get Killing Jesus - free!
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Duration: 41:45
Download Size: 399 MB
Track Date: 4 PM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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