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Trump Is More Admired Than Biden, Google To Fire Unvaccinated Workers, and a Teen Murderer Only Gets Probation
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, December 16, 2021. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

Three members of the Armed Forces will receive the Medal of Honor from President Biden
The most admired people list from across the globe - with former President Trump ranking higher than his successor Joe Biden
Studies show that while the new omicron variant is more transmissible, hospitalizations are not increasing, making the risks much lower than delta and earlier variants
Google announces that all unvaccinated employees will lose pay and eventually lose their jobs in 2022
San Francisco Mayor flip flops on defunding the police after crime skyrockets in her city
A Chicago teen is given probation after murdering a fellow classmate over a drug deal gone bad
The NFL allegedly donates thousands to anti-police organizations through their social justice initiative "Inspire Change"
This Day in History, 1773: The Boston Tea Party
Final Thought: Bill heads to Texas for his last two shows with former President Trump

In Case You Missed It:

Read O'Reilly's latest column: 'The Covid Hidden Agenda'
Grab tickets for the Trump/O'Reilly Tour
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Duration: 43:55
Download Size: 420 MB
Track Date: 4 PM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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