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Where's the Uprising for Black-on-Black Crime? Obama Debunks a Major Lie from the Left
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Fight for your freedom.

Tonight's rundown:

- Why is there no uprising from the social justice people over the murders in American cities?
- Police shootings on African Americans in America - an overall look at the situation.
- One of the major lies that continues to be pushed by the left: America is no longer the land of opportunity.
- Georgia declares a state of emergency-which should have also happened in Chicago and New York City.
- Chaos continues in New York City, with Mayor de Blasio blaming COVID for the violence.
- Will schools reopen in the fall? President Trump says the must.
- Trump vs. Bubba Wallace-a strike for President Trump.
- COVID-19 round up: air travel down, baseball returns, Mexicans block border as cases soar
- This Day in History: Mary Surratt became first woman executed in America
- Final Thought: Bill is done buying anything made in China
In Case You Missed it:

Read Bill's latest column-'Does Karl Marx Matter?'
Grab our new STAND UP FOR YOUR COUNTRY sticker
Read Bill's Message of the Day-'President Trump's New Strategy'
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Duration: 43:13
Download Size: 39 MB
Track Date: 1 PM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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