Visiting the White House
By: Staff Thursday, November 5, 2009
The day before Halloween, the White House released a partial list of visitors since January 20 of this year. The list is fascinating and highlights exactly what kind of house the Obamas are running.

Topping the visitor chart is Andy Stern, the president of the far-left union SEIU. Andy has been received by the Obamas 22 times. Wow. He must be quite a guy. In fact, shouldn't he be getting frequent visitor points like they give in hotels?

Kim Gandy, the President of the National Organization for Women, clocks in with 14 visits. This has to be a Michelle Obama play. I know the president is a sensitive guy, but hanging around with Ms. Gandy that much is incomprehensible—unless she plays basketball, which I believe she does not.

John Podesta has visited 17 times. He used to advise Bill Clinton and now runs some wacky far-left organization that specializes in vile personal attacks against conservative Americans. Podesta is one mean motor scooter. I hope he's not scaring the Obama kids.

Showing up for six visits while keeping hope alive was Jesse Jackson. Not sure what the Reverend is offering the Obamas, but they seem to like him better than Al Sharpton, who's visited the White House twice.

The late Ted Kennedy chalked up seven visits. You have to assume that was on health care. The liberal lion was a prime backer of Obama-care, which is shaping up as an absolute disaster.

General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt was chauffeured to the White House five times. As you may know, NBC News, owned by GE, has been extremely generous to Barack Obama, and now GE is hot on the trail of government contracts for environmental work. This has the appearance of a quid-pro-quo, and NBC News has one of the best investigative reporters in business: Lisa Myers. I hope she looks into it.

Radical left financier George Soros showed up to see the Obamas four times. This is a tough one to figure out. Word on the street is that Soros has been shorting the U.S. dollar, which is not a good thing for the economy. Soros is a slippery guy who once nearly ruined the British pound and was convicted of a felony in France. But, hey, those incidents could make for some great story-telling, so perhaps that's why Soros is a repeat visitor.

Al Gore must miss the White House, so he's been back four times, courtesy of the Obamas. I understand why Al was a guest. Here's a guy who's made a reported $100 million from global warming projects and investments. Certainly, the Obama administration, which is running up deficits in the trillions, could use a little savvy financial advice. So you go, Al.

Finally, Oprah has visited the Obamas twice. This is nice. Oprah is basically responsible for Barack's fame, and now she is being warmly received. I like this. I like loyalty to friends.

By the way, your humble correspondent has not been invited to the White House... yet. But I am thinking about shorting the U.S. dollar, so anything could happen.

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