Bill O'Reilly

Confronting Evil

Confronting Evil
Item #69762
Price: $92.99
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Author: Bill O'Reilly
Dimensions: 6.12 x 1 x 9.25 inches (in inches)
Pages: 304
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 9781250374042
Published: Sep 09, 2025
Collectors Edition
Available Sep 9, 2025
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Confronting Evil is not for the timid.

The concept of evil is universal, ancient, and ever present today. The biblical book of Genesis clearly defines it when Cain kills his brother Abel out of jealousy. As long as human beings have walked, evil has been close by.

This book will recount the deeds of the worst people in history: Genghis Khan. Caligula. Henry VIII. The collective evil of the slave traders. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. The Ayatollah Khomeini. Putin. The Mexican drug cartels. Their stories starkly display how some of the worst events in history unfolded.
Confronting Evil explains the struggle between good and evil, a choice every person in the Judeo-Christian tradition is compelled to make. But many defer. We avoid the decision. We look away. It's easier.

Prepare yourself to read the consequences of that inaction. As John Stuart Mill said in his inaugural address to the University of St. Andrews in 1867: "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

Author Bios:

BILL O'REILLY is a trailblazing television journalist and the author of nineteen #1 New York Times bestsellers, including Confronting the Presidents. He lives on Long Island, New York.

JOSH HAMMER studied political theory at The George Washington University and international politics at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He writes and produces many successful programs including The O'Reilly Update with Bill O'Reilly. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.