Judge Kavanaugh's TV Appearance
September 25, 2018

Judge Brett Kavanaugh did himself some good by going on television last night and denying accusations against him. The Judge was rehearsed, saying the same thing over and over, but was also emotional and convincing. He avoided assigning motivations to his accusers because, if he had, that would have become the media story - not his proclamation of innocence.

Kavanaugh was well advised in his presentation and we know that by the reaction from the left wing cable news operations. Yes, they trotted out the usual hate-Trump zealots but they were rather subdued. CNN, for example, switched to the Rod Rosenstein story fairly quickly.

By this morning, the media had found another line of attack - that President Trump is not sympathetic to the “accusers.” The ultra-hypocritical George Stephanopoulos, who enthusiastically backed President Clinton during his misconduct years, couldn’t wait to drag Mr. Trump into the Kavanaugh interview. It is truly amazing to watch Stephanopoulos weave his deceit.

My feeling is that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. What is harder to ascertain is how the American people will process this entire movement that uses allegations as facts. Will people who deny due process finally be called out?

Much more throughout the day on BillOReilly.com. Thanks for visiting today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:13 AM
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