Bill O'Reilly
October 29, 2021
Listen: O'Reilly & Beck on Biden's Spending Spree, Vaccine Mandates, and More

Bill again joined Glenn Beck to opine on the week’s top stories, beginning with President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar spending proposal and the fact that he is essentially begging Democrats to go along. ‘I thought Joe was gonna cry,’ Bill observed. 

The duo also analyzed the president’s meeting with the Pope and their diametrically opposed views on abortion. Bill theorized that Joe Biden’s radical stance disqualifies him from practicing as a Roman Catholic. 

They then ridiculed the insane news that the Biden administration may give $450,000 per person to illegal immigrants whose families were separated in the Trump years. Bill’s pithy analysis: ‘This shows the utter contempt Joe Biden has for the taxpayer!’ 

Finally, Bill confidently predicted the outcome of Tuesday’s big election in Virginia and revealed his plans for Halloween, which include dressing as a certain low-rated CNN prime-time host. Of course, that’s not much of a hint.

Posted by BOR Staff