Most polls are simply snapshots in time and don't mean very much in the long run.
However, with the midterm election just one week away, a new Washington Post - ABC News poll is devastating for the president of the United States.
Question: Do you think things in this country are generally going in the right direction or on the wrong track?
- 28%, right direction.
- A whopping 68%, wrong track.
Do you think the nation's economy is getting better, worse or staying the same?
- 28%, getting better.
- 31%, getting worse.
- Staying the same, 40%.
Would you describe the economy as excellent, good, not so good, or poor?
- 1%, excellent. (They must have called Colmes and Carville.)
- 26%, good.
- 44%, not so good. And
- 28%, poor.
That means only 27% of Americans have a positive opinion of the economy.
That should be a crusher for the Democrats in the upcoming election.
But not so fast:
Which party, Democrats or Republicans, do you trust to do a better job with the nation's problems?
- 39% say Democrats.
- 37%, Republicans
- 14%, neither.
- 4%, both.
So it is not a slam dunk for the Republicans next Tuesday.
Bernie Goldberg and Charles Krauthammer will have more on that upcoming.
Talking Points believes the American people are largely confused, and that there will be a low turnout in the upcoming vote.
There are two primary reasons for the confusion. First, apathy. We are living in a narcissistic time where individual pursuits override the collective good.
And secondly, poor education -- as Watters' World proves every week. Many American citizens are simply dumb. They don't know anything, and when you don't know anything, you'll buy anything. Propaganda rules.
Both parties know this. And therefore it is tough to get clarity when analyzing important issues.
Now, here's a warning: If America continues down this road of electing incompetent people, which we are doing now, there will be a major disaster in this country.
We have so many problems that are being ignored. It is frightening.
Yet the folks continue to look away, addicted to the internet, passionate about their own pleasure.
Here's the truth: the economy is awful. American workers cannot earn the money they need to prosper.
That's because technology is eliminating jobs, and private companies are being taxed to the point where they are not expanding.
Bulletin: Obamacare is a tax on business.
So fewer high-paying jobs are being created, and workers are at the mercy of a take it or leave it economy.
The folks have no bargaining power.
President Obama and the Democrats continue to say that big government will provide.
And a record amount of American households are receiving welfare.
But that road is a dead end.
We need prosperity in this country, not give-aways.
The election next Tuesday will be very telling.
Will the folks wise up?
Don't know.
And that's the memo.