Social Media Mobs Can Destroy People Quickly
February 5, 2019
We live in a hyper-critical country where social media mobs can destroy people quickly.  There is no defense.
The Super Bowl halftime group Maroon 5 never had a chance.  The mob wanted entertainers to boycott the halftime show in support of Colin Kaepernick, the protest quarterback whom the mob adores and who can no longer find a job in the NFL. Maroon 5 defied the mob and agreed to perform so it had to be attacked because Kaepernick is a valued social justice warrior.
Now, the Maroon guys will never be mistaken for the Beatles.  They have some good tunes but high art it’s not. However, I saw the performance and it was fine.  What do you want, Janet Jackson?  The criticism is way overblown.
The band knew it was going to get hammered and cancelled a press conference before the game which would have brought it massive publicity.  But the publicity would have been bad as the media zeroed in on Kaepernick and the protests - painting the Maroons as traitors to the social justice cause.
Even though lead singer Adam Levine doffed his shirt to show his complicated body art, it wasn’t enough counter-culture exposure for the mob.  They wanted blood along with the tats.
Thus, the country in which we live once again displays its dark side.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll preview the State of the Union address.  I’ll also be on Newsmax and The Blaze this evening.  Let me know how I do.  But, please, no Maroon 5 comparisons.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 3:28 AM
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