Bill O'Reilly
July 25, 2018
Trump's Attorney Releases Recorded Tape to CNN

There is some danger for President Trump after his attorney Michael Cohen released a secretly recorded tape to CNN concerning payments to an alleged Trump mistress, but the real peril is not what is being reported.

It is no surprise that Donald Trump has led a flamboyant life.

It is no surprise that some individuals tried to get money for telling salacious stories about Mr. Trump once he became a legitimate presidential contender. That’s been going on since Alexander Hamilton.

It is somewhat surprising that Counsel Cohen would betray his former client but we don’t know the full extent of that association.

It is absolutely no surprise that the hate-Trump media is running wild with the story.

But here’s the warning. There may very well come a time where “Trump fatigue” sets in. At this point, the President’s supporters are staying with him but some are being worn down. How many folks do you know who are tuning out, exhausted by the everyday political angst?

The President has more than two years before the re-election vote. The media strategy is to create anti-Trump chaos every single day in that time. If voters do succumb to “Trump fatigue,” the President will lose.

My suggestion earlier this week that Mr. Trump take two weeks off in August was a good one for the nation. It is a fact that the press is trying to get the President out of office and is using its Constitutional protections to do that. Like Trump or not, that should disturb all Americans.

If the President does not recognize the “Trump fatigue” strategy, he will surely lose re-election. Calm is often good, most Americans would like some calm.

Nonstop chaos is always bad.

Tonight on The No Spin News, I will advance the Trump tape story as well as comment on how political correctness is a danger to us all.

See you later.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly