Bill O'Reilly
October 20, 2020
College in America
On this Tuesday, I am thinking about college in America. I have a daughter at Fordham and a son entering campus life next September.
But where?
I have three alma maters: Marist College, history degree. Boston University, Masters in Broadcast Journalism. Harvard, Masters in Public Administration.
Fordham is under control, but Boston U has been overrun by social justice warriors. Harvard is completely controlled by leftists, and working class Marist College is now dominated by the left as well.
That means that traditional or conservative students are often intimidated and even scorned at some schools.
This is a brutal situation years in the making. And the presence of Donald Trump in the White House has made campus politics much worse.
At the ultra-liberal Brown University in Rhode Island, some loon even postured that Trump supporters should be banned from campus because they make students feel “unsafe”. Maybe Brown should have a degree in snowflaking.
What is truly unsafe is suppression of freedom of expression by many American colleges.
If I wanted my kids to experience totalitarianism, I’d send them to the University of Havana.
Which is not all that much different than what higher learning has become here.
Viva Fidel.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll continue the best election coverage anywhere. See you beginning at six eastern.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly