Bill O'Reilly
October 17, 2024
O'Reilly & Sid Grade the Big Kamala Harris Interview
Bill joins WABC’s Sid Rosenberg and analyzes Kamala Harris’ interview with FNC’s Bret Baier.  


SID: He was the best. He still is the best will always be the best. Whether it's 9 p.m. weeknights on WABC or his own great website,, great interviews, great TV show, a great column every morning. You got to read that He's got The Killing Series 13 in all. Great. And his best work yet right now Confronting the Presidents. Here he is Mr. Bill O'Reilly. What a disaster.

O'REILLY: Yeah. You know what? I heard that the Mets watched the Kamala interview and they were so depressed that they went out and they just fell apart. Well, that's a that's a good start. There's something going on her.

SID: Yeah. What do you think? What do you think was worse last night? The Mets or Harris?

O'REILLY: Excellent question. I would say the Mets were worse, but come last did not help herself at all. And I. What I want to do here is I want to know what you're interested in today. You know, I'm a bloviate or I'm I because I have on an assessment of the debate that I actually rode in the parking lot of Citi Field before the game. So I was listening to the to the debate on the radio and I pulled in and I wrote my message of the day, which is always a good thing to do because that you've just finished and you're spontaneous. And so I have it down, but I want to know what you want to know about the debate, because I have every fact you could possibly have about what happened last night. 

SID: Well, I just want to know how the Democrats, both Biden and Harris, continue to, I guess, direct attention away from themselves. When asked why they failed at something they blame Donald Trump. I'm just I'm just curious.

O'REILLY: All right. Well, that's a strategy. So I've interviewed six presidents that might be I I'm sure there are other journalists who have gone up there with that number. But that's a lot. I've never seen a president or a presidential candidate failed to answer all of the questions, which she did. So there were nine topics of discussion in the debate. It was a 28 minute debate. She spoke for about 22 minutes and she spent nine minutes attacking Donald Trump. Out of the 22, she was asked direct questions by Brett Baer about immigration, trans inmates, surgery, the economy, what she do different than Biden turning the page from Biden, 79% saying the country is in the wrong direction. Trump turning the military on American people and Joe Biden's mental state. She didn't answer one direct question other than the Trump question, where she said that he's going to use the military to lock people up. Okay. There's no data to back that up, right? If you heard somebody on the street saying wandering around saying, Donald Trump is going to lock me up, you would call the authorities? Of course. Yeah. You would say, look, I think we've got a troubled person on 42nd Street. He thinks that Trump is going to put him in jail. Okay. So that is a strategy. What her handlers told her to do was because they knew what Bill was going to ask everybody, No, don't don't engage directly filibuster. So we have to interrupt you. And then he'll look bad. And that's exactly what happened. Okay. So I mean, I'll give you about the most vivid example I can give anybody there says how many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the past three and a half years?

SID: Yup.

O'REILLY: Short, pithy question. How many illegal immigrants would you estimate? Here's her answer. Well, I'm glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you. It's a topic of discussion. The people want a right. We have. What is that? Okay. So that's why you and you do this every day. And so it's why we bring on a guest and we ask the guest is Philadelphia and Pennsylvania? And the guest goes, you know, I'm glad you asked that because I like big cities. The last one I've been to was Bangor, Maine, where I had lobster. And you're going, what? Right. It's like the Twilight Zone. If Rod Serling was still alive, he had a cigaret in his hands. There be mist behind him and you go, you're traveling in another dimension, a dimension where this candidate will not answer any question at all. You can ask her, Mr. Vice President, do you have shoes on? And she goes, Donald Trump wants to take shoes away from everyone. Are all right. You're right. You're right. There's no information flow at all. And that was the strategy. Don't give Bear anything. Give him nothing. Concede nothing.

SID: So you think that was the strategy? Because. And you're smarter than me. But I think she's really not capable of giving a good answer that she's capable. Where do you see where have you seen it?

O'REILLY: These questions.

SID: Forgot about them. She's done ten of these. Okay. And I know you don't like to, you know, call names and do stuff like that, which Trump does, and I do. Okay. You tell me the one time you give me an example of where she sounded like she knows what the hell is going on. Once once. 

O'REILLY: I listen, when she is confronted with a question about what she would do if she were elected. She goes, my plan is. That's it, right? She doesn't analyze the problem. And so here's a solution to the Ukraine war, because she's not capable. She doesn't know how to do it. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She just doesn't argue that. But at this point, her people are telling her, do not answer any specific questions. My question to you is, are they telling us that because they have no confidence that she can do it? Well, okay, I'll see that point. I'll see the point. I don't have 100% fact to back that up. But if you were versed in problem solving, you would want to put it out. You would want to say, here's my view on how to stop millions of people from coming into the United States. I agree with you. She doesn't have any actual vision on how to stop that. And it's apparent because even the friendly venues, the view in those venues, would you do anything differently than President Biden? I can't think of anything. I mean, please. And then you're looking at her going. Biden's approval rating when he got out of the race was 38%. So 62%. But so she may well be incapable of articulating any vision at all. But she doesn't have to say that's the most important point, because the vote is pro or con. Trump.

SID: Right. That's true. That's true. 100% right. It doesn't matter. Nobody like Biden. They just hated Trump. I want to ask you this, though. Your book is out Confronting the Presidents. I'm not saying it's because my friends and blowing smoke your way. It's the best book ever written, ever written about the presidents ever. And you clearly have an unbelievable historical reference when it comes to that specific office. Is it fair to say that in your lifetime you've never seen anybody less prepared to be president than Kamala Harris?

O'REILLY: I think that's a fair statement, because I wasn't alive for Warren Harding and Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, all of whom were unbelievable. Dunder Heads. Okay. I wasn't alive to see those men. Jimmy Carter was unprepared. All right. I was alive for him. He blew smoke all over the place. And he won because Ford pardoned Nixon. And at that point in American history, so many people were angry with Richard Nixon that that brought Ford down. It was a very close race. Very close as this one will be. All right. So Carter was totally unprepared. But when I interviewed Carter as a young reporter in Dallas, he answered the questions that I asked him. This is insulting. And that's the main thing I want to tell you. Now, I know you're up against a break. You want to take it or you want me to do the insulting thing first?

SID: No, let's. We don't need to take a break. Believe it or not, we've got all the commercials out of the way for you this morning to give you all the time you need.

O'REILLY: That's an excellent strategy. Thanks a lot. Thank you. ABC is very smart. Okay. So if you're in if you're a voter and not a crazed ideologue right now, there's a difference. If you're a crazed ideologue, you're going to vote for Trump or Harris just because that's where you live in that zone. You don't even consider any other point of view. I know millions of people like that. But if you're just a regular working class person who wants to do the best for his family and their country. I'm insulted when a Brit there would say, when did you know that President Biden might not be on the top of his game? And, you know, it's. She basically doesn't even address that. And they push you at lunch, whether you or the dish, you will do that. And again, she goes, no, no. It was great. It was great. No, he wasn't. He wasn't great. Don't tell me he's great. All right. That's like telling me that the New York Jets right now are great, right, Sully? Right. It's not just that. She can go in and say No, no. She wouldn't answer the question, by the way. She wouldn't say, you know, I thought maybe in February that he might have been off his game a little bit. Yeah. No, no, he's great. I know. I am. And I'm. So that's an insult.

SID: Of course.

O'REILLY: If he was great, you wouldn't be running. 

SID: That's exactly right. I'll tell you something else now. Again, anecdotal, but for the first time in three Trump elections, well, when Trump ran against Clinton, I couldn't find a real Democrat that was going to vote for Trump. When Trump ran against Biden, I couldn't find a real Democrat that would vote for Trump. Okay. Dov Hikind, former Assemblyman Borough. Paul Brooklyn Democrat. His whole life, 65 years voting for Trump. Social influential Lizzie Savitsky Big Democrat. Upper East Side. Millions of followers born with Trump. Alan Dershowitz picked him almost every day considering voting. But Trump Michael Rapaport pooping. This list goes on and on. These are life long Democrats. They could never in a million years envision voting for Trump a year ago, and now they're doing it. What does that tell you?

O'REILLY: I don't know what it tells me. All I know is that I'm watching a presidential candidate refuse to directly answer every single question she is asked. That's that's all I know. All right. And she will not admit any mistakes that the Biden administration has made. Not one. Now, narcissists will never admit a mistake. We all know who we are and our lives. We all know people like that no matter what. They will not admit a mistake. It will always be. It wasn't my fault. It was someone else's fault. What about Idi Amin in Uganda? He was worse than I am. Okay. You just look at them and I can't deal with narcissists. And I'm not saying that Kamala Harris is one because I think it's more of a strategy for her than a personality disorder. But I could be wrong on that. Yeah. The woman will not say one thing. Yeah. That the Biden administration has done wrong. Not one. So when you're into that zone of irrationality and you don't expect politicians to sabotage their own cause, but you can say, look, there was a problem that we didn't handle that well. Yeah. And we could have done better. You know.

SID: But but she does say that. But she does say that without saying that. Look, one bear correctly. Right. Because when she goes, look, the truth is immigration needs to be Mexico's immigration needed to be fixed even before Trump. So.

O'REILLY: Yeah. Yeah. I, I it's she's got fall backs on everything. Yeah. Afghanistan is the best example. So you wouldn't do anything differently. You do what Biden did surrendering Afghanistan. Yeah. And you know what she said? She'll say, we were there 85 years. We had to get out. Yeah. And no matter what, she's not going to deal with the reality of what happened.

SID: She she's going to say that Trump killed those 13 people.

O'REILLY: And I'm going to give Trump a compliment. I mean, he's mad at me now. I think. I don't know why.

SID: Why? Well, no, no, no, no, you don't. No, no, no, no, no, no. You got to stop right there. What happened? What happened?

O'REILLY: No, he. Any time I say, you know, you might want to lay off eating the cocker spaniels. That's not good for your campaign. He gets mad. He gets mad. Wow. Yeah, I don't. I don't think that's a good strategy. All right. To line up pets and say that immigrants are eating them, I don't think that's really good. I think you can make a broader point that just way too many here. But I'll give this to Trump and you and I. This is provable. Every time I've interviewed him and I've had scores of interviews with the man over the years. When I ask him a question, he answers it. Yeah, you might not like the answer, right? And he might exaggerate. All right. Because he does exaggerate. It absolutely does. But he doesn't say. Okay. I say, Mr. Trump, during your administration, you spent an enormous amount of money and are you going to pull back on it? He'll address that. He's not going to pivot. Well, Kamala spent more. Biden spent more. He doesn't do that. No. All right. So you don't have to agree with him. I don't agree with him on everything. I think I've said for the first time in my life as a journalist that I'm voting for him. And that's not enough for Trump, by the way. That's what I'm going to have to you know what I'm going to have to do when you're at the garden. I'm going to have to carry you out on my shoulders to the microphone before.

O'REILLY: Yeah. I mean, he's it's a riot. But I'm amused by it. I'm not angry. 

SID: But but let me just say this about Trump, okay? Because if he's mad at you today, maybe he is. I don't know. But I'll tell you this. He knows, for example, I voted for Hillary in 2016. Still loves me. J.D. Vance called him Hitler. He still made him his vice president.

O'REILLY: Yeah. Yeah, he doesn't. He holds a grudge when he believes that you're treating him unfairly. Right. He doesn't hold a grudge over opinion. Correct. Now, I want to make one more point about Kamala Harris, which hasn't been made. Kamala Harris tried to intimidate Bear. She came in what they call hot. And any kind of an interview at that level is like a prize fight. And you're familiar with that? Yeah. Okay. When you're fighting someone in the ring, you know their weaknesses, but you want to get them off their game, off their rhythm. Okay. And the way to do that, Ali, was the master, is to say crazy stuff or, you know, look them in the eye or jump around or just get him off and break his concentration. Harris came in hot. She was 15 minutes late. That's insulting. And that would have been my first question if I were there. Right. Well, why were you 15 minutes late for the interview? Yeah. Because that gets her off her game. That's right. You see what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. My job as an interviewer is to get the rehearsed garbage out of their minds. All right. Ask them something they're not expecting. So all of her rehearsed stuff goes down the drain. All right. So she comes in and she knows that there's going to interrupt her when she doesn't answer the question. And she wants that to happen. She wants him to be boorish. Whatever. He was contained. He did contain himself. 

SID: Did a good job. Yes.

O'REILLY: Right. But if it were me, it would have been a whole different thing because I would have called her out on what she was doing at the exact moment she was doing it. He didn't do that. He didn't do what he said. I ask you a very, very simple question. How many immigrants do you believe are here under your administration? And if you don't want to answer it, Madam Vice President, just tell me Tell me you don't want to answer it and I'll ask the next question.

SID: And I have a feeling you would have done this, too. When? When when she brought up Trump, when he asked. Wait a second. You've had the last three and a half years to do this. And she brought up Trump. I think you would have said, hold on. Madam Vice President, you've been in charge the last three and a half years. Not Donald Trump. What happened the last three and a half years when Donald Trump was in South Florida?

O'REILLY: I wouldn't even generalize that. When you ask a general question and bear ask three general questions, which was a mistake, then she can wail on Trump. Any general question, she's going to go into Trump's Hitler, right? Which is basically what the whole Democratic platform is. If you look at they never address ever. That inflation was 1.4% when the man left office ever. And it rose in 12 months to 8%. But if you ask Harris why that happened, she would then deviate into, Donald Trump caused it because he did something. And you're going, what? What? Yeah, right. So you know that going in in fact, in an interview with Kamala Harris and she'd never sit with me in a million years, I would say up top. Look, we know you think Trump is dangerous and a fascist. Let's concentrate on you. Right? Your problem solving abilities. Can we agree to that? And then when she deviates into Trump, you go, hey, we have an agreement. You see what I mean? You love it. We anticipate. Yes. Like a prizefight. What is going to be thrown at you? And she spent nine minutes bashing Trump in a 28 minute interview of which she spoke about. She spoke almost 50% of the time bashing Trump with the same stuff we have heard 10,000 times before. And then you have the idiots. And again, this is just blatantly dishonest, going on TV going, she was great. No, she wasn't.

SID: She was terrible. Horrible.

O'REILLY: Right. She wasn't great. No, she put forth no problem solving solutions. We have major problems in the country. She doesn't have any solutions. That is not great. Now I'm going on with Cuomo tonight. All right? And I'm I'm. This has got to be, you know, and I'm ready. I'm locked and loaded. It was a appreciate you. And I've got all the specifics. And he's smart enough not to go up against me right on this. Right. Because I'm 100% right on it.

SID: Thousand percent right. Well, listen, she wasn't great, but you were great here. And you'll be great with Cuomo tonight. And you're always great. And this was a really nobody better nobody better in these situations than you. The day after that conversation, Bill O'Reilly, you were magnificent. Great job. I love you. Thank you. I appreciate it. And we believe the Mets, now that they've had 24 hours to digest the Kamala Harris interview, it's over. It's not the nightmare that they saw. Believe so. Should focus on the Dodgers.

SID: Let's hope so. It's a must win. Has got to win tonight. They can't win three straight against the Dodgers to win the West Coast. So I look and I look at tonight is a must win. What about.

O'REILLY: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for having me. Always fun congrats on the garden party.

SID: Thank you. Well, see you. See you next week before. But you were terrific today, as always. Thank you so much. The best. Thank you. Thank you.

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