Mitt Romney's Legacy
September 20, 2023

Senator Mitt Romney has announced he won't seek reelection in Utah, bringing out rabid partisans on both sides to malign him. So what does that say about Mr. Romney himself?

Not much.

I've known the Senator for more than 20 years and believe his legacy is mixed. As Governor, he ran the very liberal Commonwealth of Massachusetts pretty well. As Senator, he lost his way feuding with Donald Trump. As a presidential candidate running against Barack Obama in 2012, he totally blew it.

In fact, one of the few arguments I had with Roger Ailes, the boss at Fox News, was over Romney. I was reporting that although President Obama had some major weaknesses in his quest for reelection, Romney was far too timid in pointing them out. It was almost as if he feared Obama. Therefore, I analyzed Mitt was likely to lose.

Mr. Ailes did not like my take. Fine. But I wasn't going to modify it because it was true. Romney lost. I took no pleasure in that, but my job is to call 'em as I see 'em, which I did right up until Election Day.

The Trump thing was stupid. The former president called Romney a "loser." The Senator despised him for doing that. So Romney voted to convict Trump in both Pelosi trumped up impeachments. Foolish. Evidence or lack thereof matters.

On balance, Mitt Romney is a flawed patriot, as many of us are. Hope his retirement goes well.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:07 AM
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Mitt Romney's Legacy
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