Canada Legalizing Pot
October 17, 2018

Looks like Canada is getting ready to legalize marijuana. So my question is: will that make Canada a stronger nation?

In one way, yes. There will be a heavy tax on pot and Ottawa desperately needs that money to pay for government/funded health care.

But allowing another intoxicant in the marketplace will hurt children and public safety. Pot-impaired drivers and machine operators are certainly a risk.

One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Vancouver, Canada. But parts of it have been ruined by drug-addicts roaming the streets. Vancouver takes a libertine attitude toward drug use and sales and it is paying a steep price.

Hard drugs, not pot, are the problem in Vancouver. But, of course, marijuana use, especially among the young, can very well lead to stronger drugs. Denying that is foolish.

Like Colorado and other states that have legalized pot, Canada will pay a social price for its permissiveness. The liberal press and politicians will tamp down that exposition but it will happen.

Tonight on The No Spin News, we’ll analyze who may run against President Trump in 2020, with an eye on Elizabeth Warren. See you beginning at 7 eastern time.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:35 AM
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