If you want to understand why American society is declining quickly, consider New York City, where more than 36 percent of schoolchildren are chronically absent from class. The stat is almost impossible to comprehend even if you did well in math. More than one-third of all students in public schools rarely show up.
And absolutely no one is doing anything about it.
Obviously, the derelict parents don't give a whit about their kids. That could never have happened in my house or most likely yours. The disobedient child would have been disciplined.
But today, there is little societal punishment for anything. Social disorder is accepted by a progressive government, and responsible parenting is not even encouraged in some places.
The result is a permanent underclass of criminals. You see it now. Young males eagerly entering violent drug gangs where criminal acts are a way of life. Most of these miscreants are unable to earn a living or even utter a comprehensive sentence. They are covered with tattoos, communicate using constant obscenities, and could not care less who they harm.
Sell fentanyl? Bring it on.
This is urban America today. Again, who is doing anything about it other than good people in social occupations? Any politicians bring this up?
So, down the road, the 36 percent of NYC kids who refuse to get educated may randomly make your acquaintance.
Pray they do not.
See you this evening for the No Spin News!