By Bill O'Reilly
Some new polls indicate what's really happening in the United States. First of all, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll, President Obama's support among African-Americans is dropping dramatically. Five months ago, 83 percent of blacks had a strongly favorable opinion of the president; that's down to 58 percent today. To be fair, 86 percent of black voters still view the president somewhat favorably.
The problem for African-Americans is the 16.7 unemployment rate compared to the overall number of 9.1 percent. But again, to be fair to Mr. Obama, black unemployment is not his fault. It's an educational thing that has been going on forever. Among Americans with college degrees, the unemployment rate is just 4.3 percent. That says it all. If you are educated, you'll find a job. If not, life is much harder.
Now, there is little President Obama can do about the public education system in America. The government is funding it at record levels -- more than $10,000 for each pupil each year -- but still the system, especially in poor precincts, is on the decline. That's because the family unit is on the decline, and nowhere is that situation worse than in the African-American community, where about 70 percent of babies are born out of wedlock. Every honest teacher knows if a student does not have parents who supervise and encourage education, that student is far less likely to succeed.
Black voters aren't going to turn against President Obama next year, but some of them may not vote at all. That has to concern the White House.
In another poll, this one from Quinnipiac, Florida voters are delivering bad news to Mr. Obama: 57 percent now disapprove of the job he is doing; just 39 percent approve. In addition, 53 percent of Florida voters say the president does not deserve a second term; just 41 percent believe he does. Remember, Barack Obama carried Florida in 2008.
Finally, a Gallup poll asked registered voters who they would definitely vote for or might consider in next year's presidential election. Mitt Romney weighs in at 62 percent -- good news for him -- with just 35 percent stating they will definitely not vote for Mr. Romney. President Obama has support at 54 percent, but 45 percent of Americans say they will definitely not vote for him, which means he has little margin for error. As for Gov. Rick Perry, 53 percent would consider voting for him; 44 percent say no.
Summing up, every single poll tells the same story: Barack Obama is losing support everywhere, except at NBC News. With just a little more than 13 months to the vote, the situation for the president has now reached critical mass.
And that's "The Memo."
Pinheads & Patriots
The Council on American Islamic Relations is peeved that a Southern California politician has named his dog Mohammed. San Juan Capistrano Councilman Derek Reeve is the guy who did that, and CAIR wants an apology. Reeve says he named his dog Mohammed to teach his kids about free speech, and Derek says in some parts of the world he could be sentenced to death for naming his dog Mohammed.
Free speech issues aside, Mr. Reeve is a pinhead. Why offend Muslims if you don't have to? You want to teach your children about intolerance, there are plenty of others ways to do it.
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