Bill & Beck on Trump, Mueller, the NFL, and America First in Switzerland
January 26, 2018

Beck started off his weekly interview with Bill by asking him about his thoughts on the NFL. Now, Bill used to play football in college and is an avid football fan, but he says that viewership for NFL games has drastically decreased since players started taking a knee during the National Anthem. This is something that the NFL has to put a stop to. Most employers wouldn’t allow their employees to come into work and protest, so why should the NFL treat their players differently? After all, the NFL is a business. The players are alienating viewers because they don’t want to see the American flag disrespected. It’s a matter of decorum. Hopefully, during the Super Bowl, players on the Patriots and the Eagles will treat their country with respect and stand during the anthem, otherwise a lot of people will immediately tune out. 

Beck shifted to the hot topic of the day which is the story that The New York Times issued saying that President Trump told top officials this past June that he wanted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller. However, Trump was talked out of doing so by White House counsel Don McGahn. The Times also said that Trump backed down when McGahn threatened to resign instead of firing Mueller. Bill says that the reason Trump would have threatened to fire Mueller is because he was and still is furious about the possibility of Russian collusion and when Trump is furious he tends to act without thinking about the consequences. This story is not surprising, it was most likely given to the New York Times by Steve Bannon, but it will be over by Monday. The only reason this story is in the news is to try and divert attention away from the FBI scandal. 

Bill and Beck agreed that Trump is doing a good job promoting his “America First” rhetoric at the World Economic Forum in Davos. During Trump’s speech, he sought to keep the focus on the economy. He cited his overhaul of the nation’s tax code and efforts to cut regulations as examples of how his policies have energized the U.S. economy. “America is open for business and we are competitive once again,” Trump said. The president said 2.4 million jobs have been created since he was elected in November 2016 “and that number is going up very, very substantially,” citing companies like Apple that have pledged to move jobs to the U.S. because of the new tax law. This platform is a good exercise for Trump and it’s great that he is able to show the World how America’s economy has grown. 

Beck goes on to ask Bill if he thinks that Trump should testify under oath in a sit-down interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Bill believes that it would be foolish for Trump to testify face to face because Trump and his lawyers don’t know what information Mueller has. So, if Trump goes in for an interview, Mueller could drop anything on him. The problem with this is that no human has a perfect memory, it’s too much information to retain for any human being. The logical way to go about this is to have Mueller submit questions in writing and have Trump answer them, also in writing under oath. Bill predicts that Mueller would probably accept this deal.

President Trump said he's "willing to shift more" on border security and DACA in order to reach a deal in Congress. Trump, as well as most Americans, believe that most DACA recipients should be allowed to stay in America if they are educated and hold steady jobs. On Thursday, the White House said the deal must include a $25 billion trust fund for border security and a border wall; an end to family reunification, or "chain" migration, policies and an end to the Diversity Immigrant Visa lottery program. Trump has to make sure that the first priority is that America is protected and secured and then he’ll focus on DACA. Security should come first because we can’t have a continuous flow of illegals coming into America. We are a country that is fair and compassionate, but we have to protect ourselves. 

The last topic of the interview was Trump’s success in the Middle East. In the time that Trump has been president he has wiped out ISIS, moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and now he’s demanding peace from the Palestinians. On Thursday, Trump threatened to withhold aid to the Palestinians if they do not pursue peace with Israel. Trump said they had snubbed the United States by not meeting Vice President Mike Pence during a recent visit. The president is sending a signal that we want cooperation and if we don’t get it then those countries won’t receive any money. Why should we be sending money to countries that just turn around and hurt us? So, we’ll have to wait and see how the Palestinians react.

Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM
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Bill & Beck on Trump, Mueller, the NFL, and America First in Switzerland
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