Bill O'Reilly
October 15, 2018
Attack Against Kavanaugh Show Signs of Backlash Against the Democratic Party

It is beginning to become apparent that the vicious assault on Justice Kavanaugh has hurt the Democratic Party. Polling says some tight Senate races as in Tennessee and Texas are no longer “pick ems” with Republicans Marsha Blackburn and Ted Cruz respectively building significant leads.

In House races, where Dems were supremely confident, the poll numbers show the GOP picking up steam.

The media is full of angst over this because it largely backed the play against Kavanaugh, apparently believing that independent Americans would approve of destroying a man and his family. Another gross miscalculation by the journalism industry which has obliterated its credibility with many Americans.

I read with interest a column by Peggy Noonan one of the lead witch hunters in the world of “misconduct.” Ms. Noonan admitted to her readers that she is biased against accused men because she has never known a woman who falsified allegations in this area. Who knew Peggy Noonan did so much research?

But now the columnist has had an epiphany because the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, in her view, did not contain corroboration. But how many accused Americans get the benefit of an FBI investigation? A good question for those cheering misconduct allegations from a key board.

And there’s more. After the awful Kavanaugh display, Noonan and other pundits are excoriating the Democratic Party for embracing the anti-Kavanaugh strategy. This is Monday morning quarterbacking at its worst. Cover the story honestly from the start, don’t jump on the “corroboration” bandwagon after the Kavanaugh outcome is known. That’s cowardly and phony.

As I’ve said from the beginning of the attempted Kavanaugh lynching, the backlash against those denying due process will be fierce. And I am standing by that.

Tonight beginning at 7 eastern time, we will analyze the Trump/ 60 Minutes interview which the President seemed to dominate.

See you then.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly