Bill O'Reilly
April 20, 2018
Bill & Beck on James Comey, the Far-Left Stalinists, and the Crumbling Mueller Investigation
Bill & Beck on James Comey, the Far-Left Stalinists, and the Crumbling Mueller Investigation
Bill & Beck on James Comey, the Far-Left Stalinists, and the Crumbling Mueller Investigation

Memos written by the former F.B.I. director, James Comey, were released on Thursday. The memos revealed several new details about Comey’s relationship with President Trump and interestingly enough, Bill was also one of the topics of conversation. The memo regarding Bill was about his question to Trump about how he was planning to deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin because he’s a ruthless killer. Bill said his job is to ask the hard questions and he did that during the Trump interview. The reason that Bill and Trump’s conversation got so much attention was because the interview got international play. Putin was demanding an apology from Bill, which he said he would not give at the time, so it really irritated Putin.

Bill says that when Comey was writing these memos, he was doing it to cover his butt. Comey was not writing these memos so that he could let the American people know exactly what happened, he was trying to protect himself. Beck agrees and says that the FBI and the DOJ are clearly leaking things that should be kept classified. Bill says that Beck is 100% right and the leaks are designed to hurt one guy, President Trump, and nobody seems to care. We’re living in a dishonest age. Where are the truth tellers? Where are the people looking out for the regular American folks?

Beck pivots to Rudy Giuliani who has been hired by President Trump to be a part of his legal team. Is this a good move on Trump’s part? Bill says that the overall strategy on the part of the White House has put pressure on Mueller to stop the investigation. Giuliani knows Mueller and a lot of the figures in that arena so it is a good idea to bring him in. Giuliani also brought in two other lawyers, Martin Raskin and Jane Raskin, who are former U.S. attorneys. Bill suspects the team will go to Mueller and say, ‘we need an exit date’ and if you don’t give us one we’re going to go on a PR blitz to destroy your credibility. The American people are being damaged because Trump isn’t able to fully govern with all of the chaos regarding Mueller and the Russia investigation.

In Bill’s column this week, “The Stalinists are Here” he talks about the state of America. Stalinists are people that if you disagree with them they are going to destroy you. These people and groups will attack you until you fold. The techniques that Soros and the far-left are using are choking people and companies economically until they can no longer survive, but who’s going to do anything about this because everybody is afraid of them, including judges and courts? Journalism is shot and it’s unlikely that it will ever come back. At the same time, the legal system is concerning because there don’t seem to be any restraints- contracts don’t matter, threats don’t matter, boycotts don’t matter. The fabric of our country is being torn apart and there aren’t enough people to stop this from getting worse.

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