President Trump Preparing for SOTU
January 31, 2019
President Trump will travel to Florida for the Super Bowl weekend, getting some golf in as he prepares for his State of the Union address on Tuesday.
Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to worried about his presentation but it is likely to be controversial to say the least.  The border wall will be a primary topic and democrats in the House will react as the cameras zoom in.  I can’t wait for Speaker Pelosi’s facial expressions, Botox permitting.
The Democrats almost have to stunt the speech in order to get media approval.  You may remember a few years back when a Congressman from North Carolina yelled “liar” as President Obama was speaking.  He was criticized by both sides for that show of disrespect. 
But that was then.
I am hoping the State of the Union comes off well and both parties show respect for our system of government.  The radical Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she will not show up and that’s a good thing.  Ms. Waters has no interest in listening or being fair about anything.  She is a zealot.  Period.
Tonight we’ll continue our analysis into the state of the union from the street level - how things directly affect you.  We’ll also give you a look back at my Super Bowl interview with President Trump two years ago.
Hope to see you beginning at 7.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 7:37 AM
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