No More Common Sense
August 15, 2019
The American left has left the common sense building and I don’t think they’re coming back, although I wish they would.
So let’s put aside for the moment the nutty socialist stuff and the “everybody’s a racist” mantra and just focus on immigration.
There are approximately 7.5 billion people in the world and many of them would like to live in America.  In fact, tens of millions of folks have illegally entered the USA since Ronald Reagan signed an immigrant amnesty bill in 1986.
Democrats, at least many of them, are happy the illegal people are here and are clamoring for millions more to come in the name of justice and diversity.  Even though immigrant families are heavy users of welfare programs and the nation currently owes 22 trillion dollars, liberals don’t care.  The left actually wants to pay for the health care of foreign nationals who break U.S. immigration law.
Of course, this defies reason and will eventually lead to very bad things for all Americans as the national debt will eventually collapse the economy.  Again, the left doesn’t care and some look forward to that because socialism might replace capitalism if there’s ever a depression, which is possible with the crushing debt.
So maybe there is some common sense here after all.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll analyze your money.  Important program.  See you later.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:28 AM
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