Senator Mitt Romney's Vote
February 6, 2020
If not for Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, not one republican on Capitol Hill supported removing President Trump from office and there is a good reason why.  The removal of an elected president is a drastic decision.
The entire impeachment thing was never supported by most Americans because the alleged “wrongdoing” was so ill defined. Was it “abuse of power” to seek information about possible corruption from a foreign leader?  You can believe the ask was for the President’s personal gain but there is no hard evidence to prove that.
Remember, it was proven that President Clinton committed perjury, and that President Nixon ordered crimes be covered up.
In President Trump’s case, the wrongful conduct never happened; Ukraine got US aid on time and no investigation took place. That’s the fact, Mitt.
Romney says he voted for removal because his conscience dictated that.  Not enough. “High crimes and misdemeanors” must be apparent beyond a reasonable doubt, or every president could be impeached.
In the end, the Constitution worked again. Thank God we have it.
See tonight beginning at 7 for the No Spin News!
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 5:25 AM
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