Quick quiz: What do Governors Newsom, Hochul, and Pritzker of Illinois have in common? Answer: They are all progressive, politically correct virtue-signalers.
Newsom and Hochul are also sanctuary city people, while old J.B. never met a leftist cause he didn't celebrate.
But now the governors who are "welcoming" and woke are also desperate. Thousands of foreign nationals are showing up in their states, and many have to be fed and housed. J. B. says Illinois has spent $330 million on the situation and is begging President Biden to reimburse.
He won't.
Remember Barrack Obama's pastor, Reverend Wright, saying the "chickens have come home to roost?" Well, pass the salt; more chicken is on the table.
The woke left thought it was swell to thumb its collective nose at US immigration law. It wasn't inclusive or welcoming, so we'll ignore it.
And that's what they did.
Now, chaos is here. Courtesy of President Biden, who has absolutely no idea what he is doing from day to day.
In the process, hard-working Americans have to pay the bills for this colossal mismanagement of government.
It is just 13 months before the next election. The chickens are waiting.
See you tonight for the No Spin News.